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In the boating section of the Sunday Mail 18-02-2007 this article was found which states, inter alia, -- Even safety jackets maintained in excellent condition and stamped with the Australian standards 1512 number are now obsolete. The new legislation requires all jackets to have the words PFD type 1, PFD type 2 or PFD type 3 clearly marked in block letters not less than 6mm high.
The fine for a breach of this legislation is $150.
On checking with MSQ the information was found to be correct.
A later discussiom with the Fishing and Boating Patrol revealed that the Water Police are enforcing the change.
Why must we suffer these Water Police Clowns? If they cannot tell the difference between PFD's 1, 2 and 3 without them being labelled as such perhaps they should be confined to shore duties and, under very close supervision, be given the job of guarding local water fountains.