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Thread: much water

  1. #1

    Thumbs up much water

    Does any 1 know if there is much water in the biddgee down stream from the hay (nsw) weir.Is there any flow.

  2. #2

    Re: much water

    Quote Originally Posted by reelman View Post
    Does any 1 know if there is much water in the biddgee down stream from the hay (nsw) weir.Is there any flow.
    G'day Reelman, We were at Carapool last week river was was on the rise but still low, apart from holes around 1m. deep.

  3. #3

    Re: much water

    Thanks Tomo2 .did you get any fish ?

  4. #4

    Smile Re: much water

    Yeah, 48 cod ( 3 keepers) 8 Goldens ( 4 keepers) 6 silvers (returned) 1 turtle and 5 carp. Best bait was a combo of worms and shrimp followed by bardies and cheese.
    Cheers Tomo2

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