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Thread: Cork Supplies

  1. #1

    Cork Supplies

    Hi guys

    i was just wondering where you guys get your cork from, ive been ordering the already formed cork grips, but i really wanna shape my own, so i need to source a supply of cork, ive seen those cork rings you can order but they work out really dear so im looking for a cheaper alternative.

    Thanks Luke

  2. #2

    Re: Cork Supplies

    It all depends on the quality. This can be hidden by the use of fillers in preshaped and rings.
    To make some cheaper grips which are composite use a hole saw and some good quality cork tiles another thing you can use is those cork sanding blocks a dollar or two at bunnings use the hole saw on them.

  3. #3

    Re: Cork Supplies

    Sorry meant to say once cut out glue them together on a waxed piece of threaded bar with some washers and nuts, then turn them in a lathe, drill etc.

  4. #4

    Re: Cork Supplies

    myles , you keep giving up all your good ideas and there will so many rod builders out there you wont be able to earn a living

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