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Fraser Island
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Thread: Fraser Island

  1. #1

    Question Fraser Island


    I hope I am in the right place. Myself and a group of mates (sadly mostly non fishos) are heading to fraser island near Eurong on Saturday. We are staying at a house, but we are planning on leaving the house of a night time for our drinking sessions. The mate that has planned this has said this will be so to avoid us being removed from the house. Being 21 most of the mates will be drinking every night.

    So the question is, can we be fined for drinking somewhere along the beech a couple of hundred metres away from the house. We have bins, eskies chairs and lighting all organised already but I am worried that we will be trying to do the right thing by the owners of the house and get slapped with a fine for drinking in public? If this is the case and if so how can we address this, surely campers can drink around the island.

    I will ensure that no mess is left behind, and everyone is brining cans.



  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Re: Fraser Island

    Campers are allowed to drink so I can't see why it would be a problem. Just don't leave any mess. Cans are good.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Fraser Island

    I always reckon if you do the right thing by everyone else around you, you should be alright.. Remember the law, if you have possession of your car keys on you and you are in walking distance to your vehicle you CAN be booked for DUI.

    But if your mates get plastered and do figure 8's and stuff in their trucks well expect what you have comig your way.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member NMK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Fraser Island

    The Eurong pub is always fun, we usually go there at least one night on our trip. There are usually back packers there who are always a friendly crowd to hang with.

    Don't leave any cans out around your camp site when you go to bed which is a tendency once you have had a few, we have woken up many times to the rangers checking every ones sites. Never got in any trouble though as we always leave out a bag for rubbish which we put in the car once we go to bed.

    Cheers Nath

  5. #5

    Re: Fraser Island

    If you just flake out full of grog where you have been partying you may be required to have a camping pemit if found by a ranger before you wake up and move on. This was posted last year when somebody slept in their car parked by a gutter they were fishing.

    Cheers Kev

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