Flathead survival rates are high
The assessment of survival of Sand Flathead in Tasmania and Dusky Flathead in Queensland has been completed and the final FRDC report is now available.
The survival of Dusky Flathead in NSW has also been assessed in a NSW Trust Fund project.
In the FRDC project the short term survival for Sand Flathead was 96% with almost 100% survival of shallow hooked fish and 64% for deep hooked fish. For Dusky Flathead in Qld the overall survival rate was 95% with 96% survival for shallow hooked fish and 73% for deep hooked fish. For Sand Flathead it was found that the use of circle hooks reduced deep hooking without affecting the catch rate. For Dusky Flathead the incidence of deep hooking was low for
lure caught fish.
In the NSW project the survival rate of released weigh-in fish was 96%, while 81% of fish that were immediately released survived. Nearly all deaths occurred within 24 hours.
For more details on how the survival rates were arrived at you can access the FRDC report on the released fish survival website www.info-fish.net/releasefish. For more information on the NSW project you can visit www.dpi.nsw.gov.
Shane Boese