Departed Mooloolaba last Tuesday 12 noon for southern Hards/Northern Barwon's on "Alexander" 8.5 metre plate boat with twin 240 suzuki's, 5 on board. Weather was perfect with gentle 6 knot easterly. First mark yielded a nice 3kg snapper and a few 40cm pearlies. Drifted over some good shows on the sounder and over the next hour bagged out on pearlies not too big 40 to 45cm. About 5 pm came across a very good show, first drop resulted in simultaneous hook up by all on board with 4 good snapper boated (4 to 7kg).
Kept drifting over this mark for the next 2 hours caught a few more snapper some big moses and about 10 good venus tusk fish and heaps of pearlies about 40cm which all went back.
Headed back to Mooloolaba about 7.30pm in calm seas doing 32knots.
Total 53 fish for the trip.