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Thread: Boat Salespeople

  1. #1

    Boat Salespeople

    I dropped into a boat dealership today to have a look at a boat they have in their yard. The sales guy that asked if he could help me, could not answer any of the basic questions such as:
    what motors are pushing it
    how do I get to the motors
    does it have a macerator etc as standard
    plus a few other things.

    Admittedly he did say that he had only been there a month, however, I would have thought he could have gotten someone that did know the answers to the questions I asked.

    I could have asked a lot more but I did not bother and then left. May go back again for another look but I wouldbe seeking out someone else to assist me.

    I thought product knowledge was a key ingredient in successful sales.

  2. #2

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    What is a macerator?
    Show me the Snapper!

  3. #3

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    Next time you go into a yard....ask to speak to a "Sales Prevention Officer" like the last yard you were in. This usually fires people into help mode...after all...nobody wants to be a sales prevention officer

    You'll get service...oh and works a treat with phone companies


  4. #4

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    Quote Originally Posted by DaMaGe View Post
    What is a macerator?
    something that'll get you out of the poo...literally

    Last edited by finga; 09-02-2007 at 08:08 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    I also have no idea what a macerator is from the article you pointed to Finga I take it it is a fancy name for a pump used to pump the effluent?????? from the toilet.

  6. #6

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    It is so frustrating when people who work in service industries aren't lateral thinkers.
    I don't think the sales rep in that boat shop will have a good career unless they change their performance tactics.

  7. #7

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    I dropped into a boat dealership today to have a look at a boat they have in their yard. The sales guy that asked if he could help me, could not answer any of the basic questions such as:
    what motors are pushing it
    how do I get to the motors
    does it have a macerator etc as standard
    plus a few other things.

    Admittedly he did say that he had only been there a month, however, I would have thought he could have gotten someone that did know the answers to the questions I asked.

    I could have asked a lot more but I did not bother and then left. May go back again for another look but I wouldbe seeking out someone else to assist me.

    I thought product knowledge was a key ingredient in successful sales.
    Poor bloke must have run into a brick wall with no headgear

    Seriously though if you are going to sell something know your product and your client

  8. #8

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    Quote Originally Posted by steveg1100 View Post
    I also have no idea what a macerator is from the article you pointed to Finga I take it it is a fancy name for a pump used to pump the effluent?????? from the toilet.
    Sorry, yep a poo pump

  9. #9

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    macerator munches it all up !!

  10. #10

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    He was probably the owners relative at some level, I have come across that and it was never an ideal situation.

    Sometimes macerators are used to turn whole fish into instant burly on boats without loo's.

    cheers fnq

  11. #11

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    I used to just walk away... now I %$^$ with them a bit!

    "Geez mate how you going to sell me this if you dont know"
    Followed by
    " No worries I will go find the manager and see if he knows"
    followed by walking into the sales office/counter and saying in a loud voice
    " I got a pocket full of money I really want to spend, does anyone here know about this (insert item here)

    I'm not trying to get the salesperson sacked, I just want my questions answered. If you let em slide then the service will be even worse the next time.

  12. #12

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    unfortunatly you have descovered the way socciety is going it is much cheaper for companies to hire check out operators than a experinced person
    but dont forget most poeple dont really know what there looking at so they are happy to be told" yeap its got a motor goes like a ripper"
    so when some one like yourself goes in to see them your better telling the salesperson what to tell you
    in my experince a sales rep wil tell you anything that will make you happy
    all the best

  13. #13

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    you think training would be a huge part in a salespersons first month. clearly not.

    my sales person took my money a then didint deliver on time and then didnt deliver for another 4weeks.
    then for some reason tried to blame me for the trailers wheel falling off on the maiden voyage.

    one good thing is he did answere all of my questions.


  14. #14

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    Hey Pinhead, did you ask him whether the Gin Cabinet was palatial?

    Don't know you apart from reading your posts here, and certainly don't mean to give offence, but enjoyed reading the points of view on the wake issue.
    Last edited by rick k; 10-02-2007 at 11:45 PM.

  15. #15

    Re: Boat Salespeople

    Quote Originally Posted by rick k View Post
    Hey Pinhead, did you ask him whether the Gin Cabinet was palatial?

    Don't know you apart from reading your posts here, and certainly don't mean to give offence, but enjoyed reading the points of view on the wake issue.
    LOL...damn hard to offend me....the boat I was looking at is a bigger gin palace..always looking...never know when I might want to upgrade.

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