Hi all,
Well i have been thinking this year is the year for targeting some mulloway or jews off the beach. And i thought i would look for some pointers from any people who have tried this painstaking past time.
In the past a have tried but not fully 100%, this year will be different. I have some points i am going to follow already but if there is anything else anyone can add please feel free to post or PM if preferred.
these are the main things i will base my fishing on.
1. The moon (will be fishing around the new or full moon) early mornings or nights and or after any large rain around river mouths.
2. Beach from anywhere from sth gold coast till iluka or there abouts.
3. Winter and cold maybe the around the times for the early run of tailor and salmon starting around may-june.
4. Fresh large slabs of bait or live bait based on conditions, i have a place where i can get fresh bonito and mack tuna and also use slabs of fresh tailor and salmon..
5. Using alvey with drag and 14ft pacific composite rod, with 20lb mainline with 50lb mono leader.
Basically thats it, also if there is anyone who fishes for these specifically and is looking for someone to join them, i would be keen as.
Anyways thanks in advance.