Spot X off Jumpin Bar until wind beat us
Spot X off Jumpin Bar until wind beat us
Last edited by Whitehunter; 04-02-2007 at 01:43 PM. Reason: Add attachments
Hi and welcome to the site Whitehunter
When did you go out, i wasn't game to chance it with the weather forecasts the way they were. Even Nugget i think it was on 4bc said it would be brave to go out?
Nice catch anyhow, better than mine
Welldone hunter,we thought about going but the wind was a put off.I fish mainly out of the pin bar,what boat are you in?Was there much current where you were fishing?In about 50 0dd metres of water iam guessing??
Nice Snapper...
Show me the Snapper!
at least you got a feed before the wind beat you