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Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net - Page 4
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Thread: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

  1. #46

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    While standing on the Nudgee boat ramp throwing the net one night I caught a set of outboard flushing muffs. Some dill must have launched his boat and taken off with the muffs still attached.

  2. #47
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    biggest fish, a 30lb queensland grouper,
    weirdest thing, 6 pack of tooheys extra dry in the moresby river (mourilyan harbour). i also caught a bonet of a vw at the back of a local prawn farm.

  3. #48
    Ausfish Bronze Member wak69's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    hi, 23 mullet 38-40cm long & a blackbream 42cm at mouth of bulimba ck, i have photo but not digital, any advice to print photo etc. thanks sam

  4. #49

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    Quote Originally Posted by Franco View Post
    Myself ....Shit I fought hard!!
    hahaha, I netted my daughter whilst practising in the backyard !!!

    Darn difficult to learn to throw the buggers, there's a few different ways, I've FINALLY learnt the art of a consistent throw !!!

  5. #50
    Ausfish Bronze Member cdg81's Avatar
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    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    threw the cast net at a fleeing school of mullet in the hinchinbrook channel, in the one cast got 2 jack 45 and 49cm to the fork, a barra that was 30cm, bout a dozen archer fish, bout 2 dozen mullet and half a handfull of prawns. no wonder they were fleeing.

  6. #51
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    Hi Gladbream,
    Dont suppose you are married mate?
    My missus wouldn't believe a word of it if I came home with a 6 pack of Tooheys and claimed I'd caught it in the cast net!
    She would just roll her eyes and ask what happened to the other 18!

    BTW where are you located?I'm just down the road from moresby.

    cheers Scott

  7. #52

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    My missus wouldn't believe a word of it if I came home with a 6 pack of Tooheys and claimed I'd caught it in the cast net!
    She would just roll her eyes and ask what happened to the other 18!
    ROFL @ That........
    Mmmmmmmmm Yeaaaaaaaaaa Right.....

    Theres Nothing like a good days fishing.

  8. #53
    Ausfish Bronze Member Dunks's Avatar
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    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    An 89cm flathead!!!!

    Last night while trying to get some live mullet for chasing bull sharks up the Logan I managed to land my net over the top of the big girl. She put up a bit of a fight but lucky she didn't damage my net.

    I didn't have a camera on me (spewing!!!) but I have caught an 80cm one not far from where I got this one from.

    It was good to see such a big girl in the Logan and of course I let her go.
    Wayne D

    Hobie Revolution

  9. #54
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jun 2006

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    a toad fish, a small one at that!!

  10. #55

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    I was with a mate in FNQ when he scored a 3 foot salty in a cast net... No more net! Totally destroyed it.



  11. #56

    Talking Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Hi Gladbream,
    Dont suppose you are married mate?
    My missus wouldn't believe a word of it if I came home with a 6 pack of Tooheys and claimed I'd caught it in the cast net!
    She would just roll her eyes and ask what happened to the other 18!

    BTW where are you located?I'm just down the road from moresby.

    cheers Scott

    hahaha same here. She *MIGHT* believe it if there were oysters and other marine life growing on the cans though ....

  12. #57

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    I caught a Scrub Turkey.

    it was scratching around outside my room after a huge night at about 6 am mates thought it would be worth a laugh... put a few holes in it but.

  13. #58

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    I caught a 1/2 metre john dory.

  14. #59
    Ausfish Silver Member Ryan.S's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    Quote Originally Posted by charlie bouy View Post
    I caught a Scrub Turkey.

    it was scratching around outside my room after a huge night at about 6 am mates thought it would be worth a laugh... put a few holes in it but.
    Haha, you done well to land it with a tank full of p#ss charlie bouy.
    En el amor y la guerra, todo hueco es trinchera.

  15. #60

    Re: Poll: What's the biggest thing you've caught in a cast net

    a 12lb barra at calliope causeway ... threw the net over what i thought was mullet, shot straight to the top of net, took a sec to realise it wasn't a big ass bait and jumped in off rocks to gather bottom of net ...who needs rods and reels

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