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Thread: Time to start again

  1. #1

    Time to start again

    Well weve just had over 300mm of rain the last couple of days and everything is flooded out of its guts. Ive just realised that all my favourite jack snags and holes which I spent finding in 2006 are now washed away and it will be time to start exploring again. What can I say you can never get sick of fishing the same area, though the last good spot I found prduced over 6 jacks (landed) in 4 hours fishing and what I would give to have one last session before she washed away.

  2. #2

    Re: Time to start again

    You have a beautiful part of the world up there Devo, and I suspect strongly that it won't take you long to find where the Jacks have moved to. When the water subsides, maybe they might even be back in their old homes?

    All the best to you, love reading your threads.


  3. #3

    Re: Time to start again

    It's about time it rained properly
    It can only be good for the fish

  4. #4

    Re: Time to start again

    The same thing happened in the Logan River after the 1974 floods.

    My father in law used to catch some terrific flatties in the river in those days from some favourite holes and every time that I went-a-courtin' his daughter who obviously subsequently became my wife, I had to view the latest catch , and I can attest that they were fabulous fish.

    Then the 1974 flood came, the holes changed and the bonanza of big flatties on every fishing trip was no more. That was before the days of sounders, of course.

  5. #5

    Re: Time to start again

    Quote Originally Posted by charleville View Post
    The same thing happened in the Logan River after the 1974 floods.

    My father in law used to catch some terrific flatties in the river in those days from some favourite holes and every time that I went-a-courtin' his daughter who obviously subsequently became my wife, I had to view the latest catch , and I can attest that they were fabulous fish.

    Then the 1974 flood came, the holes changed and the bonanza of big flatties on every fishing trip was no more. That was before the days of sounders, of course.
    We fished the Pin area not long after the 74 floods and found one hole that produced the best day's fishing I've ever had. Went back a number of times after that and never caught a fish there again. It must have been a temporary spot till their old haunts recovered maybe. Dunno. Ya wonder about fishes habits sometimes.

  6. #6

    Re: Time to start again


    have you started growing webbed feet yet?



  7. #7

    Re: Time to start again

    Just found out my hit is inaccessible and will be for at least 3 weeks as the road is gone (not even sure if the hut is still there and it is still raining. Looks like I might have to start up knitting again

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