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Thread: Gatakers bay firing

  1. #1

    Gatakers bay firing

    Yes, there again Went down for the low at 2.30ish (to prevent any more swimming out to spot 'x'). Got 9 grunter, biggest around 50cm ish with 5 kept. Phil (insanefisho) rocked up rather quicker then he expected (me abusing him for being late over the phone got him moving i think , or mayb it was the number of fish in the bag already ). Was getting to be too much like hard work to fish spot 'x' by that time so we mosied over to another spot. Had we known what we were in for, i think we'd have moved a bit quicker. We wnded up with a 40cm suire to phil and a 42cm grassie for me to top off a nice feed. Phil is over the moon with the squire, even turning down some nice grunter fillets (apparently he dont like them )
    anyway, theres my pic of most of the catch, with keys, minus 1 grunter (geez daryll (dasher) is a theiving little so and so )

  2. #2

    Re: Gatakers bay firing

    Got my first grunter this year at hervey bay , on a burkely 4" shrimp . Boy they go hard !!!

    Cheers Mark

  3. #3

    Re: Gatakers bay firing

    nice haul there

  4. #4

    Re: Gatakers bay firing

    yum, i love grunter, unfortunatley i don't get to many living in brisy.
    well done.

  5. #5

    Re: Gatakers bay firing

    nice dude I live about 20meters from gatakers top spot.
    tide waits for no man

  6. #6

    Re: Gatakers bay firing

    Hey Mate,
    I saw these photos on sportfish....Well done again mate.
    I was the one who told you to blurr your photo backgrounds out and not give away ya location so easy.......I know that kitchen.
    Where exactly is Gatakers Bay?

  7. #7

    Re: Gatakers bay firing

    hervey bay, near pt vernon
    thanks fellas, weve been doin pretty well up here now, its been a bit lean lately

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