I haven't got a problem with drinking recycled water as I did so last year in Orange County* and I am still drawing breath. I have a comprimised immune system from medication and if it were harmful I'd have gotten sick easily.
I also don't have a problem with Mr Beattie not using the referendum as it would have cost over $5 for each voter. The people who voted the Labor Party back in did so for them to make the decisions for us and I think it's about time the whingers let them make a few of those decisions rather than almost having a round table discussion to ask for permission to turn off a light.
We need some sort of water to drink and with all the mexicans ,oving here it will only get worse. At least they are directing the recycled water to industry first also.
My 2c worth.
* If the residents of Orange County in L.A can be sold on recycled poo anyone can after all isn't Hollywood part of this area? If not the people are almost about as anal so it would be the same