The plan was made to attact the mac's at Palmy with an early start ... (well ok crossing the the Tweed bar just on day light). I had just bought a new light game reel off Ebay and was keen to try it out so the call was made to troll some skirts down to Palmy in hope of a marlin or a whoo or what ever.Well after a long slow trip down nothing, zip,zero we arrived at the car park and motored around trying to find a spot to drop the pick. The weather was great just a light breeze and bugger all swell.
Out go the rigs for the macks, flotting and unweighted and so the wait began. There was the odd fish being caught here and there but not a touch at our boat. After a few hours and still not a touch the call was made to move in a bit closer as the car park was starting to thin out a bit. The reef must be really sanded up as we had the deviel's own job of re-anchoring, but at last the pick held. Again the wait began, and after about 1/2 hr one of the boys called for a little bean sinker to drop the bait down more. Within 5 mins he was on to a nice Cobe. As soon as it was boated there was a mad rush for everyone to re-rig with a light sinker.
I was the first to re-rig and back into the water again with in mins. of the first fish Darren was on againhang on so am I wan with my 15 kg rod looking more like a banana than a rod I must of beenb a good fish, but alas that was all I got to see of it as he then bit me off. Darren was still hooked up and after a merry dance around the boat from fore to aft, port to starboard he got the cobe to the boat. The first gaff strike was off and the second ........ well I think we need a new gaff man
. Yep he knocked it off, ho well that's fishing for you but the fish was a beauty and I would say that it was atleast 1/2 as big again as the first. We stayed about an hr. more before the wind got up and we decied to call it a day. We trolled the skirts home and again with out any luck..... there will always be next time as they will be bigger by then as they will have had a few days to grow