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Help with fishing the tweed
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Thread: Help with fishing the tweed

  1. #1
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Help with fishing the tweed

    Not after any of your spots but simply trying to utilise more time for fishing instead of bait chasing, when I go down there at Easter.

    I will be camped at spot X and having always caught my Qld livies by cast net I was wondering if there was any particularly productive areas for bait nearby........herring on jigs.......mullet in traps, float fishing etc. Also, any good bait shops nearby if all else fails.

    Anyone fished the canals at 7 o'clock from the campsite or would I be better downstream in the mangroves away from major boat traffic? I'm going to focus mainly on jacks with bully fishing from the bank at night.

    Taking the 3.95 stacer with 25merc and leccy motor.

    Any help at all would be appreciated, without you needing to give too much away.



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  2. #2
    Mate the best spot for you to get herring from where your staying is off the little 1/2 bridge just up the road from you. The one beside the main H/way

  3. #3
    Dont waste your time fishing the tweed river. It was"nt too bad years ago but now its pretty much crap!!!

  4. #4
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fish-freak View Post
    Dont waste your time fishing the tweed river. It was"nt too bad years ago but now its pretty much crap!!!
    Well if I come back with a report of fish I've caught, then I can consider myself pretty good eh?

    Then again, if I don't, and catch bugger all, I can simply refer to your post and not feel so bad.............seems like I can't lose


    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

  5. #5
    For jacks, the rock wall that runs along that stretch of the river isn't a bad spot to start, its snaggy though so expect to lose a bit of gear. For the bully's i'd head upriver towards tumbulgum or the condong sugar mill... Goodluck.

  6. #6
    G'day Kev

    I am an offshore man but I do spend quite a bit of time on the river too just mainly cruising . I have trolled up a jack right in front of your camp along that rocky bank that runs the length of the park . Anything hooked from shore here will be a challenge to land with the structure . The bridge pylons and the rocky area on the upstream Banora side of the bridge look like jack territory too from the water . As Aussiefool said they do jig livies from the short bridge bit that is just before the main bridge . There has been good whiting lately not far upstream from you around the piggery ( ask a local ). Watch out for the fishing licence thing in NSW - they are savage on the Tweed . From memory Flickflak from here is your man - he fishes at night for jacks . You may have seen some posts .
    Last edited by Hagar; 28-01-2007 at 10:58 AM. Reason: Add text

  7. #7
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies fellers. Hagar and simon.........yeah, I looked at the bank and the way some of the slabs lie there, it looks ideal for jacks to be lying under. saw one helluva big eel poke his nose out when an old bloke was hand feeding bream.

    I intend to lie just off the camp site in the tinny and fish towards the wall so I can pull 'em out into open water............that is...........if I hook any

    I've got a week down there so I'll have time to find my way around ready for the next trip................I just fell in love with the place and I'm getting too old fartish for camping rough...........powered site right on the water is looking great.


    See my breeder fish photography here:
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  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Drop a pm to flickflack...he's the guru of the Tweed....the fish he catches there makes fishfreaks comments on the Tweed seem pretty silly

  9. #9
    fish freak. tha tweed produces fish every time i fish it. (which is about two to three times a week. i never go home without catching good fish. example below. three over 65cm one went 74cm and nearly 6kg all on lure from the tweed. and during sumer bigal and myself never fail to catch either jacks or trevors. so mabee your just in the wrong spots.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Dunmears, thanks for your pm mate, it's really appreciated. For some reason I can't reply by pm to your message so I hope you can read of my gratitude here.



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  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Yes Kev no worries, best of luck.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by kingtin View Post
    I just fell in love with the place and I'm getting too old fartish for camping rough...........powered site right on the water is looking great.

    Mate, that is why I live here at chinderah.
    If your into rock fishing and early starts give me a yell and I'll take you down to my spot X at hastings for a flick if your keen

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bigroders View Post
    fish freak. tha tweed produces fish every time i fish it. (which is about two to three times a week. i never go home without catching good fish. example below. three over 65cm one went 74cm and nearly 6kg all on lure from the tweed. and during sumer bigal and myself never fail to catch either jacks or trevors. so mabee your just in the wrong spots.
    Why dont you tell the whole bloody world mate.
    What a disgrace keeping four big jacks, regardless of size and bag limits. I dont see a problem in keeping one if you cant get anything else, but four seems like a joke. I'm sure the rest of the jack fisherman from the tweed wouldnt be happy to see that photo.


  14. #14
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiefool View Post
    Mate, that is why I live here at chinderah.
    If your into rock fishing and early starts give me a yell and I'll take you down to my spot X at hastings for a flick if your keen
    You lucky bastard!

    Thanks for the offer mate. May catch up with you nearer the time...........if the deckie let's me off the leash


    See my breeder fish photography here:
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  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chalkandcheese View Post
    Why dont you tell the whole bloody world mate.
    What a disgrace keeping four big jacks, regardless of size and bag limits. I dont see a problem in keeping one if you cant get anything else, but four seems like a joke. I'm sure the rest of the jack fisherman from the tweed wouldnt be happy to see that photo.

    I'd've laid money that this old gripe would raise it's ugly head again

    Mate, you have no idea how many blokes were involved in that catch. Bigroders mentions bigal so I'll assume that the two fish together which would make a tally of 2 fish each. Well inside regs, which from your response, seems to have no bearing on how you perceive the catch.

    The arguments have raged on this site ever since I joined as to what is a "reasonable" take home for the table and will probably continue to do so again judging by your response. What is "morally responsible" has been questioned time and time again.............catching for the pot or catching for sport?.............We all have our own agendas but as long as it's legal, why should we criticise others?

    The regs are there to encourage a sustainable fishery and in reality, we have to trust the powers that be as to what is meant by "sustainable" It's a democracy where we should live by the rules and if we do that, then why have you, or anyone else the right to criticise? I'll correct that, yes you have the right (free speech and all that), but you have nothing which can justify's isn't excessive (to my mind) and more importantly, you have absolutely no idea as to how many anglers were involved in the catch. If there was four in the boat, would it still be excessive to your mind?

    Mate, this site is about us sharing the pleasures of fishing, not jumping down someone's throat when they are trying to help others.

    Last edited by kingtin; 29-01-2007 at 10:05 AM.

    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

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