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Thread: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

  1. #46

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    she's ready to head off to the painters.

    gees kym,would'nt desley let you have a few extra bucks for a new trailer

    she's a hard woman

    name withheld

  2. #47

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Hey Scotty, after that comment she reckons the 175hp. has gone & being replaced by a Scotty with oars, hope you have been eating your weeties.
    She will be on a new trailer, the boat that is
    Thanks for the pics, she's comming up real nice so far , I hope it comes up as nice as "Good As Gold II" .

  3. #48

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    ha kim
    does that me you want good as gold III

  4. #49

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Hi ASH, As Good As Gold II is a brillant looking boat, but I guess if copied it I wouldn't have my boat I would have a copy if that makes sence.
    My boat will be white with black,light grey & silver decals the same as my last boat, & the name will be ''As Good As It Gets " thanks for taking an interest in the project.

  5. #50

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Scotty - any updates ?

  6. #51

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Scotty's camera broke so he asked me to upload some pics.
    Some are when it arrived back from the painters and others fit out shots.
    All that's left is the engine and a tidy up so it will be completed Monday.

    Cheers Col

    PS The owner named it but we agree totally

  7. #52

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    oh... that's beautiful.

    Is that cabin bigger than usual?

    whats the distance from the back of the seats to the start of the transom?

  8. #53

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    thanks col

    hasnt it turned out nice,

    ive got my gear ready if desley could just make up the spare room.''OH''and we'll need some rum.

    see you soon

  9. #54

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Hi scotty,
    From what I can see on the pics I am extremley happy with how well it has come up at this stage
    I should be down there on Thursday or Friday to pick it up.
    As far as the spare room goes, there is always one here as you know. There is always a beer in the fridge but you would be lucky to find a rum
    Col has assured me that every time I put this boat in the water, fish will jump into it without even putting a bait into the water & at the quality of my fishing skills I hope he is wright.

  10. #55

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Quote Originally Posted by chuss View Post
    oh... that's beautiful.

    Is that cabin bigger than usual?

    whats the distance from the back of the seats to the start of the transom?
    I was hoping Col would answer this one, as far as I know it is standard 600 cabin with a 660 hardtop & the distance from the seats back I will measure when I get the boat & let you know if Col does not let you know beforehand.

  11. #56

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Top Stuff
    Counting down the days

  12. #57

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi


    I know you will be extremely happy with the boat when you get it.
    I was up at Fisher Boats last week and saw your boat and it was certainly very impressive. It's certainly a credit to the guys that work for Col.

    Col is building me a 680 centre cab and it has just gone to the painters today, so I will have to be patient a little longer before I get it in the water.

    By the way I thought it was only going to be my Fisher boat that the fish would jump into as soon as it hits the water.

    Anyway good luck with the new machine.

  13. #58

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Looks great Kim. The white came up a treat and a bit of blood over the sides will top it off.

    Withoutatrace - I had a look at yours a few weeks ago while being built - looks awesome

    I don't know whats going on here but Col told me mine will be getting the one and only fish attracting system so you guys will have to learn a few tricks Birdy got the prototype but it had a few bugs and only worked on dolphins

    Goldie - are you Gold Can on the NT forum ?


    Greg (hangin out)
    Last edited by Greg P; 26-03-2007 at 10:52 PM.

  14. #59

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Quote Originally Posted by kim raynham View Post
    I was hoping Col would answer this one, as far as I know it is standard 600 cabin with a 660 hardtop & the distance from the seats back I will measure when I get the boat & let you know if Col does not let you know beforehand.
    Kim, Chuss,

    It's a standard 600 maxi cabin ........bunks are 2050 long from the anchor locker bulkhead

    Back deck is 2500 long from the dash to the inner transom

    It's about 1600 from the back of the seats to the inner transom

    Dry weight is 1750kgs with the 175 Suzi

    Kim it's going down to get wet today so I'll get some on water pics for you.

    Cheers Col

  15. #60

    Re: Building a Fisher 600 Maxi

    Yes Greg I am Gold Can on the NT Forum.
    Col is doing me a 580 Maxi as we speak CANT WAIT ROLL ON APRIL 20.

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