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When do you rebuild or replace your Motor
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Thread: When do you rebuild or replace your Motor

  1. #1

    Question When do you rebuild or replace your Motor

    I am looking at buying a new secondhand boat and was wondering at how many hours does a motor need to be rebuilt or replaced. There seems to be alot of boats with motors that have done 150 - 250 hrs but being a novice i don't know how many hours is too many. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Cheers Phil
    Grow old disgracefully

  2. #2
    when checking a boat motor for first port of call would be a good visual inspection, if its rough and ready it probably has said something about the previsus owner. next is the compression check, they say all comps within 10% of each other, my thoughts are make that 5%. Some motors may well be going strong with 2000hrs and some maybe on the last legs at 500hrs. Where you can get caught is with a newer motor thats had a dunking and had a quick cover up of damage. Have it check by a profession and then get 5 mates to check it out and then check some more. If possible talk to the previsous owner too. Dont be put off by an old synic and I hope you have joy in finding your perfect boat

  3. #3
    Thanks Blaze for your input. How's the weather down there? I here it's pretty dry down there at the moment. I originally come from Tassie ( Ulverstone ) but haven't been back for about 3yrs now to bloody cold
    Grow old disgracefully

  4. #4
    --- ---
    Last edited by Fish Guts; 26-01-2007 at 08:50 AM. Reason: -

  5. #5
    A motor needs a re-build when it gets loose, that is between piston and bore. But that does not mean the crank needs a re-build.

    Could be from 500 hours to 2500 hours.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member blu's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    After working in outboard wreakers i have found the best thing to do r as follows (this works for 2 stroks) pull out plugs they should (unless brand new) be black if there is a small part of the plug that is clean(washed) this means head gasket needs replacing. THIS is a very GOOD thing to do anyway...If the person you are buying the boat/motor off is OK with this even if you offer to replace it this then shows good faith on there part and mainly gives you a good look at any corrosion in the water jackets..last is impella these MUST be changed depending on amount of fishing every 8-12 mths also crack the screw on the G/box to check for water it will show up as white sluge G/box oil should be done every 6mths best to use 90grade diff oil hope this helps

  7. #7
    Thanks for the info guys much appreciated

    Cheers Phil
    Grow old disgracefully

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by blu View Post
    this means head gasket needs replacing. THIS is a very GOOD thing to do anyway...If the person you are buying the boat/motor off is OK with this even if you offer to replace it this then shows good faith on there part and mainly gives you a good look at any corrosion in the water jackets..

    best to use 90grade diff oil hope this helps

    Couldn't agree more although try and make the first paragraph happen in real life, I put it down to science fiction

    Diff oil, with all the marketing thrust at the average joe... getting this to fly will be like dumbo with a qantas sticker and fingers crossed, there will be speak of some magical extra %age of emulsifiers and other wonderous stuff to justify the extra 800% spent on dealer leg oils.

    Crikey i am tainted

    cheers fnq
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 26-01-2007 at 09:38 AM.

  9. #9
    theres no golden rule on when to rebuild unfortunatly
    about 2min before it blows up would be good though
    it all comes down to how it was used
    all you can do is test compressions as a basic test
    once they become to un even (check manufactures spec usally about 10%)
    or the compression is to low
    then its a mater of pull down and visually inspect
    what ive been told if it looks good under the cowling good compression clean oil in the gearbox good water flow from tell tale
    then it should be reasonablely ok

  10. #10
    ask for reciepts if youve been told it had work done to it
    if people cant produce proof their probably dribblinig to you

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member blu's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    spot on gone_fishing most people selling boats or anything for that matter (i to am guilty) dribble on about "its got this or i done that to it".... well so the reciepts, i'm one of the lucky ones my lady throws NOTHING out eg.reciepts even got 5year old Telstra bills with paid reciepts on them..

  12. #12
    yep lucky enough i bought my boat approx 6mths ago all 1995,with all the reciepts,manuals etc.only got 336hrs.

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