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Thread: Side rail mounted rod holders.

  1. #1

    Post Side rail mounted rod holders.

    Wondering if anyone could tell me what the best rod holders to attach onto side rails would be. I bought one yesterday -$25 from BCF and its crap! It's going back today. There used to be a brand called Roberts Rod Holders years ago, are they still around, if not what are the best type. Will be used for trolling and live baiting mainly in estuary. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Gold Coast
    Hi opjoerifginvjh

    I have ones with Gillies Tackle on them that are very similar to the Roberts type and find them to be very good. I think they were a little cheaper than the Roberts tho. Tis a wihle snice I bhgout tehm but. Las t set in "97 so they were around on the GC then.

    What could go wrong.......................

  3. #3
    Tkhnas Cmhio, I'll look tehm pu.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    I got the Berkley ones from Big W, they are good.

  6. #6
    Here is a pic of the holder.You can rail mount, flat mount, or side mount the unit

  7. #7

    I'm lead to believe the scotty ones are one of the best.... but they do come at a price.


  8. #8
    I actually picked up a couple today from Barra Jacks. The brand is Snap-Loc. They're new on the market, Australian designed, they look good and will do the job no probs. Thanks for your help guys!

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