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Thread: Smells Like Fish

  1. #1

    Talking Smells Like Fish

    Nothing to exiting guys, just thought id post a pic of the new name for me little tinny . Have had the stickers for ages now just have been too busy (or lazy) to stick them on.


  2. #2
    beauty mate
    bit of wishfull thinking there or is that how she smells

  3. #3
    She smells like that finga, from my small pieces of unused bait stuck in unusual places i think, certainly not from all the fish i've been catching

  4. #4
    Lucky there no old bait in my boat...I'd be a stinky finga then

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    Lucky there no old bait in my boat...I'd be a stinky finga then
    haha classic!

    i too have just named my boat, but am not sure what position to put the sticker!! (no where near as big as yours!) ive just got it dummy taped up at the moment. Its called Sea 'n' Things.

    how long did it take you to find a name for your rig mickyD???

  6. #6
    Took a while high and dry, when i first got the boat i googled boat names and found millions of them but wanted to be different, and at the same time a little the saying goes..........

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