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Thread: 4.35 Allycraft Apache

  1. #1

    4.35 Allycraft Apache

    Hi all

    We are looking at replacing our 4.4 Savage Jabiru with one of these Apache's. We love the Jab, but even in the slightest chop we get wet. Very wet. The jab is a perfect boat when used for what it is designed, but Sue and I like different styles of fishing in different environments and have decided we need something with a bit of a V and higher sides. The new 40 4 stroke Yammie will be the power plant so we can't go much bigger than 4.4. Has anyone got/had one of these Apache's? Any advice or thoughts, good bad or otherwise, would be really appreciated.

    Thanks everyone


  2. #2
    Dave why choose this particular tinny, the only knowledge I have of them is in the manufacturers booklet, it looked pretty good from memory high sides.

    Any other brands you can contrast it with?

    cheers fnq
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 23-01-2007 at 07:19 PM. Reason: editing stuff!

  3. #3
    Thanks FNQ.

    Looking at all breeds, it's probably just the height of the sides that appeals to us with this. Having said that, Horizon have the same length but with slightly higher sides. I'm out of my depth a bit with this, have always loved the quinnies and savages. I haven't looked closely at the quinnies yet, but probably should. We are both a bit skeptical about choosing a boat we know little about. We are on a tight budget with this as well. Number 1 son is off to boarding school this year.

    Thanks for the thought provacation.



  4. #4
    Hi Dave, was interested in your thoughts as I went through it a few months ago. I think you are on the right track counting the cost when buying one of these basic open boats, a person can spend near twice as much and still get no more boat in practice.

    Would you be talking the dory when you say quinny? if so make sure you look at your chosen allycraft and compare, the quinny is just not in the race, hull shape is pretty bad also.

    If I remember when I had the allycraft pricelist $3500 got a boat large enough to island hop the whitsundays, reef trip on a good morning, camp in and most importantly big enough to be fairly uncomfortable and wet in an unexpected 20knot breeze but still sea worthy! also small enough to fish the dams and rivers. Your 40 would work on it also. I remember thinking the first job would be to raise the floor if I owned one.

    I had a look at seajay when I was comparing and liked them, not as much as the Allycraft though. Savage had an ok hull but was too expensive as was brooker and mako from memory.

    I also looked at aquamaster and bought their big boat but the CC 4.5m (I think) version I liked in basic open boat trim, it's the white one on their web page, worth a gander in person. Their web site is .

    Also looked at the makocraft basic open boats and a couple others all in all the aquamaster and Allycraft left the deepest impression. I will be buying a 4.5m open in a year or so for towing up the cape and dams around the traps and it will probably be either the aqua or ally.

    Just my thought's, best of luck in you new boat purchase, a V bottom boat will open up football fields of extra fun and fishing opportunities compared to the one you own now IMO.

    cheers fnq
    Last edited by FNQCairns; 24-01-2007 at 02:56 PM. Reason: edit stuff!

  5. #5
    Thanks for that great info FNQ.

    The jab has served us beautifully and we are very attached to it, but for reasons previously stated, and the fact that Suzi gets quite jarred from time to time sitting up the front, it is time to change.

    I agnonised over buying the new 40 yammie knowing that we would probably change the hull as well. I looked and searched and asked and generally made a nuisance of myself around the traps looking for a package. But I couldn't get anything I wanted with a new 40hp 4 stroke on the back for what I THINK I can do it for by changing the composition individually. We paid 8k for the engine and received 1.5k trade for the old Evinrude. I figure a new hull will probably cost us about 4k and we will sell the Jab as a bare hull (floor will be included, nav lights etc) but we will keep the trailer. I am hoping to sell the hull for maybe 1.5k. Then, as time and $'s permit I will fit out the new hull. All sounds good in theory, but may be very different practically! Anyway, it is fun shopping around and learning more and more.
    I liked the look of the Formosa as well, but 2 emails to them has failed to draw a response. I'll cross them off the list.
    We don't want to go wide, just to a couple of close islands of Keppel Bay, the river, the creeks, and our crabbing. Camping is a regular of enjoyment of ours and sometimes the Jab struggles to accomodate the gear we take.
    I am mindful not to put the new engine on the back of a hull which may cause it to be underpowered, and so that will probably restrict us to no more than 4.4m.
    Thanks for your input and your ideas. Really appreciated.



  6. #6
    anyone else have something to offfer?

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