Went out to North Pine Dam (Lake Samsonvale) early Saturday morning to walk the banks and cast some lures in the hope of a Bass or Yella. Parked at Forgan Cove in the southeast corner of the dam and started walking the bank on the right. Threw poppers, hard bodies and spinner baits to no avail. Hooked something slow on a hard body but pulled the hooks (probably a turtle me thinks).
The sad part of the trip was the large amounts of rubbish lying everywhere, particularly along the waters edge - beer cans and wrappers, beer bottles whole and smashed, food wrappers, old broken cray traps, heaps of old fishing line etc. It was really a sad sight to see. There was rubbish everywhere I walked - and lots of it too. I can't for the life of me understand how fisho's can just leave some much rubbish everywhere? They obviously walked in with it and there are heaps of rubbish bins at the entrance to the area. No wonder I didn't catch anything - I suspect the rubbish has either killed or choaked fish stocks in that area.
Not intending to go back there again. Just too sad to see.