I took my family out yesterday (Sun) from Runnaway Bay. I took the channel closest to the mainland running down to wave break island and then from there (after finding that there was NO room at all at the anchorage on southside of wave break, went further and spent the day in the bay opposite the trawlers and Hotel Vicasi. Great day and the kids loved the swim.
I rarely go to the broadwater. What amazed me was the sheer number of boats but also the number of boats that didnt either know or bother obeying the right of way rules and the keep to starboard rule in the channels. I had lunatics in 25-40 foot boats trying their best to hog their left of the channel instead of their right and with me going further to my right to the point where had it not been a King Tide I might well have hit sand - at one point I had to bring my boat to a halt because of such idiots. I do my best to keep a lookout and think for other drivers - ie how much room have they got and how are other boats apart from mine going to effect them etc, but I had the impression that very few I passed did the same.
On the way back through the same channel there were about 20 wave boarders doing about 35kph in 20 knott winds and para-sufers of similar number - I know that power gives way to sail, but most of these guys must think that they own the waterway!
Anyway, great water and the fam had fun, bet what a mess - I will stick to the bay for a while.
PS. Some of the gin palaces really put out and enormous bow wave - coming back to the marina, I overtook a 45 footer doing about 20 knots -
I accelerated through his 2metre plus bow wave at about 25 kn and was well and truly airborne for a moment - which is pretty spectacular in a heavy 21 footer!!. Last time I did that I was a 16 foot Haines, so obviously I have not been trying hard enough of late!!! She came back down buried the nose for a second and then punched through. The old Seafarer has plenty of bouyancy up front so that sort of caper is pretty safe and gives the kids a good thrill (the wife not so happy though!). Unfortunately in a narrow channel if your going to overtake such a large vessel kicking up such a big curler, you dont have a lot of options. I have tried on other occasions passing large gin palaces by backing off going over and trimming the bow up so as not to bury the nose in the trough on the other side but that seems dangerours to me unless the vessel being overtaken is only doing 10 knots or so.
Cheers all.