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25hp offshore xtra safety tips goldie
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Thread: 25hp offshore xtra safety tips goldie

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member gutzy's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    25hp offshore xtra safety tips goldie

    I have had my boat a 4m allycraft deep v with yamaha25hp on the back.
    Ive been out the seaway heaps to narrowneck reef and the bait grounds out from the spit jetty.
    Ive now decided to go to the 18's and 24's on calm days. I have all the safety gear and a radio and my first trip I was thinking to go solo. I would appreciate any other safety tips or advice that other boaters especially GC boaters could give me
    Gold Coast , Queensland. Paradise!

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    "I would appreciate any other safety tips or advice that other boaters especially GC boaters could give me

    One tip for starters.
    Add 1.5m and 100 hp to the boat


  3. #3
    gutzy - have you a battery setup on your boat, with gps/ vhf connected or just a handheld vhf ?

    and do you have a bilge setup ?

    I would get in contact with a few guys that go out there on a regular basis - maybe the sea probe guys ?

    another suggestion, in your initial trips take out a mate with you.

    make sure that engine is fully serviced and you have a small toolkit on board- with
    - new plugs
    - extra pull cord
    - electrical tape

    and last but not least log on with the seaway tower - and ensure you call them back up when your on your fishing grounds - and vice versa ring them when your departing the reef to come back in.
    Last edited by Fish Guts; 18-01-2007 at 01:53 AM. Reason: forgot

  4. #4
    Good on you Gutzy . I to have a small boat 4.5 m Fibreglass and pick my days to get out into Cook Straight . Always take a sea anchor ( drogue ) - good for drift fishing too and carry one of those digital epirbs permantly attached to my lifejacket .

  5. #5

    It's highly possibkle, just take as many precautions as possible.

    Appropriate safety gear, self inflating lifejacket to be work ALL the time would be a good idea. VHF, high capacity bilge pump just to name a few.

    Have a good time oujt there.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by seabug View Post
    One tip for starters.
    Add 1.5m and 100 hp to the boat

    That is not necessary.

    If you pick your days, there should be no problems. Those reefs are not too far out. It is a good idea to have someone else with you for safety. Log on is good.

    Hope you have some good marks for those reefs. They are pretty extensive and not all of it is productive.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member gutzy's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    thanks for the tips fellas. I do have a battery and a colour sounder with gps and I will log on with seaway tower. The bilge pump goes in on saturday after reading your advice. Ive seen many other boats my size on calm days coming back so I think itll be okay as long as all safety procedures are taken. Ill let use know.
    Gold Coast , Queensland. Paradise!

  8. #8
    its the goverment weather web site
    can tell you the weather over the horizon

  9. #9
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Oct 2004
    Agree my reply was probably overkill.
    But it does not take long for a cold front to hit.

    Cannot always expect the return trip to be same conditions.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member timddo's Avatar
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    Mate, if you need a boat to come out with, give me a yell. i got a small boat too.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    I have taken small boats out to sea all my life the above pointers are all the goods. But i have found for me personally having another mate in a tinny with you is the best peace of mind. So as Timddo has offered so do i.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jun 2006
    I fish regularly on the 24's in my 445 Dory by myself without a problem.
    You need to know/study the weather so you know what to expect for the day weather wise.
    Don't bother if the wind is going to blow over 10knts.
    Make sure you respect the sea,know your ability,have enough fuel to get back and your motor is reliable.
    Follow another boat out if need be(just don't anchor near them when they stop!)
    Hope these tips help.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Oct 2006
    I hear you wazza repect of the ocean & the rest will follow.

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