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Thread: Bearing Buddies removal

  1. #1

    Question Bearing Buddies removal

    Hi All,

    Might seem like a silly question, but hey, that's me :-)

    I've got some form of bearing buddies/mates/protectors on my trailer. When it was in for a service a few weeks, I got the bearings checked and they were ok so no worries on that score.

    However, I've subsequently lost one from the trailer, which I'm assuming fell off. I was going to take the other one in to a trailer place to find a match, but you've guessed it - I can't get it off.

    Any secrets on how to get them off? I've tried pulling it with the biggest grips I've got, and given it a bash from all angles with a rubber doesn't want to move. I haven't given it everything I've got for fear of damaging it - anyone know the correct method of removal?

    Thanks in advance.

    Good luck,

  2. #2
    Tap it around the edges with a light hammer, it should work it's way out.
    If not tap it a bit harder.
    Don't be scared of it you won't break it.

  3. #3
    Mine have a shallow slot in the side, you can get an old screwdriver in there (with the wheel off) and hammer it out. Some people use a bit of loctite to secure them so it may need a bit of persuading.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    When I got mine I had to many spacer washers which mde them sit out to far so had to remove the one I installed. I just used a block of wood to tap it out working from side to side to side. The wood worked well as it softens the blow a bit and I think this is what the instructions say. If they are tight you may need some more muscle!


  5. #5
    Thanks guys. I used Crooked's method and some less than gentle persuasion. After a few taps, it landed in next door's yard... :-)

    I'll take it in to the trailer place and see about replacements.

    Good luck,
    Last edited by 2iar; 18-01-2007 at 10:52 AM. Reason: misspelling

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