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Thread: Gilligans Island

  1. #1

    Smile Gilligans Island


    I'm Gilligan and just joined the site. I am new to the fishing scene and do a bit of fishing with Zigfreed mainly outside trolling stuff and the odd creek jack mission. Look forward to your reports etc.

  2. #2
    Welcome aboard giligan.

    Tight lines

  3. #3
    Welcome, see you on the water

  4. #4
    Hey little buddy, welcome to ausfish heaps of knowledge in this site just ask.
    Peter :cool:

  5. #5
    wecome aboard Gilligan,
    cheers Paul

  6. #6
    welcome aboard Gilligan give my regards to marry-ann
    cheers shane

  7. #7
    hey Gilligan

    nice to see you made it!!!!!

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