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Thread: DPI uncovers noxious fish disguise

  1. #1

    DPI uncovers noxious fish disguise

    Copy of QFS Press Release below
    14 March 2002

    DPI uncovers noxious fish disguise

    The Department of Primary Industries is warning consumers they could be fined if found in possession of noxious fish bought from aquarium shops marketing them under false species names.

    DPI Queensland Fisheries Services biologist, Rachel Mackenzie, said a Cairns aquarium shop had falsely marketed the noxious fish, koi carp, under the name Shubunkin goldfish.

    Koi carp can be distinguished from the true Shubunkin goldfish by the presence of “barbels” (whiskers) near their mouth. Koi carp are as brightly coloured as goldfish.

    It is not unlawful to possess true Shubunkin goldfish provided they are kept in a way that they cannot be released into waterways.

    “The Queensland Fisheries Service (QFS) is concerned that a number of Cairns residents have unknowingly bought the koi carp and are unaware of the heavy fines associated with their possession and the major environmental damage that can be caused,” Ms Mackenzie said.

    “Fines of up to $150,000 apply for keeping koi carp and anyone aware of their presence should destroy them as soon as possible.

    “Carp should not under any circumstances be released into the wild and should be destroyed and buried as soon as possible.”

    Ms Mackenzie said she was concerned about people placing koi carp into outdoor ponds where they could escape into creeks and rivers.

    “Koi carp cause significant damage to native aquatic environments and at this stage have not established in north Queensland,” she said.

    “Carp are a huge problem down south and are now the dominant species of fish in the Murray Darling Basin. They form huge populations and once they have established they are impossible to eradicate.

    “Many people are unaware that the ornamental Koi carp are just as damaging as their drab counterparts, the common carp. Koi carp are also causing huge environmental problems in New Zealand and Tasmania.”

    Ms Mackenzie said that a humane way of disposing of the fish would be to place them in the freezer, which had a similar effect as a general anaesthetic.

    “It may also be necessary for people to drain outdoor ponds to ensure that all the carp are destroyed. Any water drained should be released over land to make sure that no small carp or carp eggs escape into nearby waterways,” she said.

    “People should also remember that no carp can be legally kept, even in indoor tanks.

    “The Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol (QBFP) will be focusing on people illegally moving noxious fish around and disposing of them in waterways, and they will be cracking down on people in possession of noxious fish,” she said.

    Under the current legislation, a person who possesses noxious fisheries resources such as carp, must immediately destroy the resources and notify a QBFP inspector of the destruction within two working days.

    The Cairns QBFP can be contacted on (07) 4052 7404.

    For further information on noxious fish and how to dispose of them please contact Rachel Mackenzie on 13 25 23.

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  2. #2

    Re: DPI uncovers noxious fish disguise

    A more interesting way of disposing of the carp in Cairns would be to drop them into a tank (supervised of course) with a large Barra. Just like a great big protien pill really.

    Wouldn't be the first and definately won't be last time an Aquarium sells/imports prohibited fish species.



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