We do at that randall go back a ways, and yes the rum at baffle was good, was that a camp fire, wondered what that glow was![]()
And i will say i don't relly give a shit who i upset either, i will say what i feel and if people agree that fine if thet dont that's fine ............. free country..... so they say !
Don't know how to do that other shit. below pasting shit
You say " ......... However again, you may be surprised in future developments regarding this impoundment!! (Wivenhoe) Sworn to secrecy right now.
This is basiclly what i am getting at ...................... the behind closed doors shit,good,bad and indifferent ......
Of course by now you should know i will speck my mind right or wrong. Nothing like a rum on the baffle to see that![]()
I'm not a behind the scene guy i cop that and hate it with a passion ,cop enough of that shit at work .................. and speak my mind there as well ....................... lets put the cards on the table ?????????????????? what the hell is happening because if you figure i'm pissed off .......... I have just begun .....and will raise hell if need be.
If the powers to be or for that matter the people in the know spill it ....... and stop pussy footing about the better and stand up and say what is happening ????????????? and say what is the future of these TWO impoundments ??????????? we amy then see the facts ............. not the secret service shit.