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Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.
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Thread: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

  1. #1

    Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    With NSW fisheries choosing not to change, bag & size limits on Cod or to protect them from setlines I have to ask the question why Cod are not given the same courtesy in NSW as trout eg. your not allowed to setline for trout but you can the threatened Murray Cod. My Questionb to you is who believe setline laws should be changed to protect the Murray Cod, no infact who believe setlines should be banned altogether to ensure the good of all species? As it is you can only take 2 cod over 50 cms but can have 4 setlines. What happens to the exhausted or dead fish when all 4 setlines have fish on? Any way the Question is who is opposed to setlines & who is for them?

  2. #2

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    The "to set-line, or not to set-line" question is one that I think might get a few people fired-up. For my part, my vote is to keep the set-lines. As long as they are checked regularly, and the bag limits are adhered to, they shouldn't be any different to fishing with the rod in your hands.

    I know there will be a lot of argument that the fish will be exhausted after being on a set-line because they can't be immediately released.....but I've seen a hell of a lot of fish let go off set-lines and swim actively off with no apparent problems. As a matter of fact, the only fish I've seen not swim away were those that we tried too hard to get the hooks out of in the bad old days before we just cut them off near the mouth. A personal thing, but I think set-lines are still appropriate to the style of fishing way out in the west of the state where set-lines are the norm.


  3. #3

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassmansrc
    With NSW fisheries choosing not to change, bag & size limits on Cod or to protect them from setlines I have to ask the question why Cod are not given the same courtesy in NSW as trout eg. your not allowed to setline for trout but you can the threatened Murray Cod. My Questionb to you is who believe setline laws should be changed to protect the Murray Cod, no infact who believe setlines should be banned altogether to ensure the good of all species? As it is you can only take 2 cod over 50 cms but can have 4 setlines. What happens to the exhausted or dead fish when all 4 setlines have fish on? Any way the Question is who is opposed to setlines & who is for them?
    Well Bassman , allowed to keep 2 ,and you have 4........all over 60cms s-i-x-t-y cms .......hmmmmm ,let 2 go.


  4. #4

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.


    Not sure where you're from (NSW or otherwise) but the size is 50cms not 60cms there was no change to sizes restrictions so the old 50cms stands. This size is to small as many cod have not reached sexual maturity by this stage and have not spawned. If you want to refute my 50cms then please check your facts before making a fool of yourself by going S-I-X-T-Y 60 cms. Here is the NSW fisheries site to help you get a handle on the rules, lengths & bag limits.

    As for letting 2 go, that would be great if all people were dilligent enough to check their lines every 20 minutes or so, but most people set their setties & leave them for hours & sometimes days at a time. The cod either die on the line or are so weak they die when released. Any way even if they are released with in an hour of hook up most cod on setlines are gut hooked. 10 minutes of pulling against the whipper snipper cord does immense damage to the fishes insides & the fish has less than a 50/50 chance of survival.

    The just let it go answer is the legally right answer but morally it is not as far as I am concerned.

    Just my opinion.


  5. #5

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    You obviusly know a lot about set lines bassman, is this from personal experience? I have caught a lot of fish on setlines and never had trouble releasing them. Re your comment "most cod on setlines are gut hooked" tell me where you get information like this please.

  6. #6

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.


    I do not personally use setlines I am dead against them, but have some family & friends in Condoblin NSW. The old fella(82 years old) Gundy uses setlines all the time.In my occassional visits over the years I have seen many cod hauled in by him either dead or that worn out that they can hardly swim. He let's no fish go regardless of size or bag limit. His freezer always has cod or Yb's in it, some that will never get eaten. But such is the practice of the older generation- what a waste of a fishing resource.

    After seeing what these killing lines do I'll never use them.

    Now we have all seen fish that have been gut hooked & we have all seen gut hooked fish flap about on the top of the water after release. You can minimise mortality by cutting the line at the mouth but still some fish die. A big cod has a lot of pulling power & any cod hooked deep as cod regularly are (as I have witnessed at Condo) will & do, do damage trying to release themselves form the thick cord. The idea of releasing unwanted cod, oversized or undersized cod or over bag limit cod is not a good answer as many will die from exhaustion or internal damage.

    I have witnessed too many of these great fish killed by springers/setlines. I love fishing for cod with rod & reel but a threatened native species should not be valued less than an introduced exotic like trout. trout are protected from setlines I reckon Cod should have the same priviledge.


  7. #7

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    Quote Originally Posted by bassmansrc

    Not sure where you're from (NSW or otherwise) but the size is 50cms not 60cms there was no change to sizes restrictions so the old 50cms stands. This size is to small as many cod have not reached sexual maturity by this stage and have not spawned. If you want to refute my 50cms then please check your facts before making a fool of yourself by going S-I-X-T-Y 60 cms. Here is the NSW fisheries site to help you get a handle on the rules, lengths & bag limits.

    As for letting 2 go, that would be great if all people were dilligent enough to check their lines every 20 minutes or so, but most people set their setties & leave them for hours & sometimes days at a time. The cod either die on the line or are so weak they die when released. Any way even if they are released with in an hour of hook up most cod on setlines are gut hooked. 10 minutes of pulling against the whipper snipper cord does immense damage to the fishes insides & the fish has less than a 50/50 chance of survival.

    The just let it go answer is the legally right answer but morally it is not as far as I am concerned.

    Just my opinion.

    Bassman , In this case Y-O-U-R the fool!!
    This is a QLD based website ,where the MIN. size IS 60cms.
    Your opinion poll is erroneous if you're basing it on NSW 50cms..........fact

    I also don't believe you would catch 4 cod on 4 setlines within 200mtrs of camp(Q'ld rule) day in , day out.
    My mate's father is 67 and abides by the rules. Interestingly we could buy a weekend licence for $5 ,fish the NSW side of the McIntyre/Dumaresque(sic) and keep a 50cms+ MC ,that Qld'ers RELEASED............go figure ,eh!!

    p.s. Shame you stand by and let the old guy keep illegal MC's , are you part of the solution or part of the problem? ,or 'no gonads'......just asking

    Home of the AFL,cricket and shortly the NRL premierships

  8. #8

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    I'm with you Bassman.

    I don't believe that setlines do anything to promote fishing or fisheries development.


  9. #9

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    What was my post about you idiot? It was about NSW fisheries, the murray/darling river decision,cod & setlines. All about NSW as was said in the original post.....
    Besides how many posts do you see on here about NSW? Ever bothered to read some of the posts about Glenbawn, St Clair, Shoalhaven, Windamere, Wyanagala or Nepean/Hawkesbury or even Penrith lakes as in the forum at the moment? All in NSW mate. How about you read the posts before you start looking like a fool? The post was about NSW fisheries decision not to change setline rules or size limits never did I say it was about QLD.

    The site might be moderated by Qldrs, but it is a nation-wide website & forum, hence the name Australian Fishing Chatboards.

    Seems you are not up with the national scene so go back & stick your head in the sand & worry about those qld only issues. Some of us are concerned about fishing in general so don't start hassling me just cause I can see the big picture. This decision also effects fish numbers in some of your rivers especially those close to our NSW border, these effected rivers are the Barwon, Condamine & Warrego all of which make up the tributaries to the Murray/Darling.

    Anyway we don't need to argue. The rules on the Murray/Darling from their beginings to the South Australian border all come under NSW laws (apart from parts of Mullwala). So this law effects fish stocks near the borders of QLD, Victoria, South Australia & of course all of NSW. Really is a big decision not to have made isn't it?

    Besides when you said S-i-x-t-y you actually used my quote which said NSW- go back & have a look!!!! How about we call it a truse, cause this is an argument you won't win as I stated in the original post it was about NSW, this you obviously overlooked.

    As for getting Gundy to release a cod....Well I have suggested he release what he doesn't need or release the undersized fish but he won't have a bar of it. I've got plenty of balls mate & have given the old fella a serve a few times but I am affraid if I stress himout to much he might just keel over on me & I don't want that to be playing on my mind for the rest of my life.
    As it is if Setlines were banned he'd probably still use them, but atleast by banning them we may just prevent a new generation from taking on these bad habits from old folk like Gundy. This can only help the plight of the Murray Cod---- ban setlines!!!!


  10. #10

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    What strange logic you have Bassman

    So the poll was about a 'previous decision' , like "Did Bush win the U.S. Presidency?" or "Is there a NSW RFL?"

    I understand now mate ,strange you didn't include "increase MC to 60cms on setlines even"

    So please putdown Goondy for a "don't care either way" vote

    And with your persuasive style ,ask him to stay on the left side of the road (sometimes)when he's driving ,or call the Police on behalf of my children, and I don't care if he can't see properly or even if he has a licence permitting him to do so.

    p.s. call Fisheries oneday as well (want the number?), they'll talk to him nicely......promise

    BTW.....Mr.IL-Logical ,strange how you talked 'tough' to Mazzy on F*****t a little whiles ago ,maybe just not a rellie ,eh!
    want a copy?

  11. #11

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    Seems good ol Mazzy went running with his tail between his legs. I did not provoke his attack, but I certainly answered it. By the way that's a victorian run site what are you doing looking at it? I thought you were only a QLDer.

    Any way yes the decision had been handed down last week. I wanted to see what the majority of people thought & it seems most (according to the poll) would not be happy with the decision that was made.

    You obviously have the same problem as Mazzy did.... You can't be wrong. Any wayz i said I did not want to argue the point. So I won't. See YAh!!


  12. #12

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    Cool ,and keep that tail firmly tucked between your legs too with your double standards i.e. Mazzy & Gundy

    With polls Bassman ,poll percentage can be impressive 'stats' ,and once loaded/stacked by extremists ,lose their effectiveness i.e. either look at it as 78% against , or only 18 people in Australia are against setlines , or since Mazzy & Gundy (pro setlines) didn't vote at all ,didn't have a say!!

    Now ,as I said on my post awhile ago, IF I had 4 MC's on 4 setlines over 50cms(NSW) or 60cms(QLD) ,I would release 2........probably 3.


  13. #13

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    Hohum...... This argument being the case then only what... 4 people agree with the current NSW rules?

    Any way as I said i don't want to argue so let's talk fishing! The Bass have really started to fire on the Nepean. I was in coffs recently & the fishing up there was very slow... but I did get 1 bass from the Bellinger river.
    How's it going up there in good ol QLD. I hope your getting a few....


  14. #14

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    I think we've covered the arguements & rebuttals here guys.

    Gazza, this site may be based in Qld but it is a site for all Aussies to untilise.

    AS BassmanSRC said "lets get back to fishin eh"

    Bend a rod,,,,,, soon!

    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
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  15. #15

    Re: Fisheries decision on Setlines for Cod.

    i spent 3 days fishing the murrinbigee with a mate who grew up with set lining
    i turned him around thank goodness
    its not not done for the sport i asked him and he replied set lining is done for the eating i replied go to the local take awway
    i was amazed at this whole set line thing .
    gentleman please grow up
    food stamps are available at the nearest red cross office .
    wheres the challenge

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