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Fishing northern NSW - July
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Thread: Fishing northern NSW - July

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Fishing northern NSW - July

    Hey guys,

    I'm heading on a bit of a road trip with my g/f's family and a few other people. They're mad keen cyclists and they've decided to do a cycle trip through northern NSW and southern QLD for eight days in July (mad bastards). For them to do it, I've landed the job of driving their support vehicle.

    The trip will start at Byron Bay and head inland to Casino. From there, Casino to Drake. The next day, Drake to Tenterfield. Then Tenterfield to Stanthorpe. Stanthorpe to Warwick. Warwick to Woodenbong. Woodenbong to Beaudesert then Beaudesert to Cleveland (home). So, from what most of you will realise, there's gonna be some bloody cold places in there througout the trip. As I said - mad bastards.

    Now, as I'm driving the support vehicle, and 8 days is too much to be not fishing, I'm after some suggestions as to where throughout any of those regions would be worth a fish. I don't tend to get into freshwater fishing much, and I'm not into fly fishing at all, so I'm open to any suggestions on where to start, particulars etc.

    Any feedback would be great.

    Thanks guys


  2. #2

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July

    If you are going to be around Byron early july, give us a yell and we'll go and nail a feed of tailor, bream or hopefully jew off the rocks or beach, or give the tinnie a run over at ballina. I'll be up at Fraser 17th to 24th so wont be around if you turn up then.
    My brother could probably point you to some freshwater stuff around casino and possibly Drake and Beaudesert, but freshwater fish might be a bit sleepy around then though.
    Cripes, I'm getting tired just thinking about them cycling up the range between Drake and Tenterfield and you'll freeze your nuts off if you're camping.

  3. #3

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July

    Keep in mind too that there are a few gazetted trout streams in that area which are well and truly out of season in July. Take a look at the Fisheries NSW website to get a list of them.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July

    thanks for the replies guys. As I don't fish in NSW very often I need to read up on their regs. Thanks for the advice though.

    Jeff I'll definately keep that in mind. You back in Aust for a while? Just sent an email off to get a hold of some dates.


  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July


    Got the dates for the trip. Will be around Byron on the 3/4th of July, and then heading inland from there. Trip will have us home on Sunday July 11.

    Would be good to hook up for a fish.

    Kind regards


  6. #6

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July

    gday mate
    try leslie dam near warwick. just take the inglewood road out about 12 kays and there is the turnoff to the dam. u can use lures or live shrimp to catch a few yellowbelly. just go up near the bouys out from the dam wall. just stay on the right side of em cause the fisherys boys have been out there a bit. if you need any more info give us a e-mail or pm .
    cheers anyfish

  7. #7

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July

    3 July
    full moon +1
    Tide rising to fairly big high of 1.9m at around 9pm
    Sounds like afternoon / evening session off the rocks.
    Bream afternoon / tailor on sunset / jew around the high
    Lets hope the weather and seas play the game.
    I should be around then. PM when it gets closer.
    PS Don't worry about lugging surf gear with you for one night, I've got spare.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July

    Thanks very much Jeff. I'll send you a PM closer to the date.



  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July


    Grab me at uni next time you seen me - got some plastics for you to have a go with.

    cheers, Justin

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Fishing northern NSW - July


    Thanks're a champ. Lol, would have seen you last night, but got spastic drunk at Dooley's and had to go home early. Not a pretty sight.

    Will see you next week.

    Thanks again mate


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