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Thread: Hello ~could you teach me to finshing in Australia

  1. #1

    Hello ~could you teach me to finshing in Australia


    I am a Chinese student, i like finshing very but i don't how to finshing in Australia. Could you teach me?

    I am live in sydney.
    My e-mail is
    If you can help me please contact me

    ~Thank you very much~

  2. #2

    Re: Hello ~could you teach me to finshing in Austr

    I'd try as many of them are Sydney based. Good luck.

  3. #3

    Re: Hello ~could you teach me to finshing in Austr

    Quote Originally Posted by lordy
    I'd try as many of them are Sydney based. Good luck.
    Thank you very ~~
    I will go to look~~

  4. #4

    Re: Hello ~could you teach me to finshing in Austr

    just talk to one of your local fishing takle stores, they will tell you what you can catch in your area, what gear you need and how to catch the fish

  5. #5

    Re: Hello ~could you teach me to finshing in Austr

    just talk to one of your local fishing takle stores, they will tell you what you can catch in your area, what gear you need and how to catch the fish

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