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Thread: Winter at Boondoomba

  1. #1

    Winter at Boondoomba

    Gidday All

    I am thinking of heading to Boondoomba in the next couple of weeks.
    Never been there before.
    Chasing some tips for a "first timer" at Boondoomba


  2. #2

    Re: Winter at Boondoomba

    Is fishing well at the moment. Look for schools of Bass on your sounder in water deeper than 25 foot. Nothing on the edges as far as I could work out. Maybe spinnerbaiting the trees might work.

  3. #3

    Re: Winter at Boondoomba

    Hi Guys,
    My father in law and I are also thinking of heading up there. We have not been there before either. What are the boat ramps like for launching at present. Is there much submerged stuff to look out for ?

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