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Thread: Dead Turtles ??

  1. #1

    Dead Turtles ??

    ??? ???
    Whilst fishing at Cressbrook, although I had a great time, I did notice what I would consider to be a large amount of dead turtles. Along one stretch of water in particular there was nearly one dead turtle every 100m of bank or so.

    Why is this so?
    Does it have any thing to do with the declining water level?


  2. #2

    Re: Dead Turtles ??

    My Grandfather used to say that an abundance of dead turtles was indicative of a sick waterway. ??? ??? ???

  3. #3

    Re: Dead Turtles ??

    out west near texas last year there was quite a few dead turtles dead on the banks of the river , the funny thing about it was that somthing had eaten all the flesh out of them leaving only the shell, i never seen anything around the shells, the only thing that i know that didn't do it was foxes or cats by the loation of some of the shells

  4. #4

    Re: Dead Turtles ??

    yeah i noticed the turtles too!! could mean something bad could help explain why the fish were upset the other day.

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