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Canoe Ideas - Page 3
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Thread: Canoe Ideas

  1. #31

    Re: Canoe Ideas

    thanks mate, you have been very helpful, how do electrics exaclty work ive only owned normal outboards before. do they just run off a battery till its out? can they be recharged?
    are they expensive to use if you know wht i mean.



  2. #32

    Re: Canoe Ideas

    i have a leccy on my bass boat but on my kayak it is all paddle power
    all a leccy is, is a electric motore that runs off a 12volt battary (just like a fan motor) they are very simple but very effective
    it should runn from say a 75amp deep cycle battry for anywhere from 4-12 hours
    it will depend on the speed and other forces as to how long the battery will last (tide and wind) but after each use all it take it a quick charge from a normal car battry charger to charge the deep cycle up
    and that the resone you go a deep cycle they are desinged to handle countiuos flatting and rechargeings

    but if you have the canoe/kayak alreay then if i was use i would start to use it and worriy about a leccy when you can afford it
    i think you will be suprised at how little effort and how easy it is to get a canoe moveing nicely

    hell im a lard ar$e but i can easy paddle my kayak for a good 8 hours
    as for the dams as well as rivers when it does blow up all you need to do is paddle in the sheltered areas around the banks and it will make for a much easyer paddle

    i went out in mine just this afternoon while it was blowing 15-20knots and managed still to catch a few nice fish all be it no bream but did get 3 flattiys with the biggest around 50cm (no way was he comeing into the yak )

  3. #33

    Re: Canoe Ideas

    sounds good mate, have you had much success in freshwater from ur canoe?


  4. #34

    Re: Canoe Ideas

    yeh had some even though i have only owned the kayak now for a few mouths

    but i have done fine so far and alot of times i think it is a better way to fish than with a boat
    you really get the feel of how much the fish are able to pull when fighting them nice and close and able to be draged by them

  5. #35

    Re: Canoe Ideas

    same fish as above but showing the size of my kayak in the pic

  6. #36

    Re: Canoe Ideas

    one of my mates fish from his kayak

    mine is a Dagger drifter and my mates is a Dagger cayman

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