Thanks for the reply Fitz.
Lets hope that its inacts some action from management.
Thanks for the reply Fitz.
Lets hope that its inacts some action from management.
Simon I take a sideway look at things like this. What is bad for the bass isn't always bad for the fisheries. The major positive to come out of this will be increased stocking of Saratoga. Not stocking bass frees up $10000 for more Saratoga. In the long run a solid breeding population of Toga is self-sustaining and actually creates value for the fishery on it own unlike bass which must be constantly restocked. Toga represent money for nothing once established. If this goes on for more than year at least it won't have been in vain. That is substantial silver lining to all this kerfuffle.
I think if the Sommerset management can't find enough money in their little kitty to stock bass, there's something seriously wrong! It's one of the only dams around that on top of the fishing permit you also need a boating permit which at $15 or $100 is a joke. Why can't they put in a boom gate and charge every one who comes into the dam not only the boaties eg. Cressbrook. With that and camping fees I'm sure this would cover cost to maintain the dam. They say its privately owned, but I'm sure they collect from the Brisbane City council and other shires who use their water, so to say they don't want to stock bass just because fishing comps are having an effect on the population is a load of bulldust. We all pay our fishing permits, and the money from that should be going to restocking the dams. Tight lines.
G'day Nobby,
Somerset Management do not stock Somerset, in fact they are not allowed to stock it. The only group permitted to stock there is the Somerset & Wivenhoe Fish Stocking Association Inc. The money is not an issue, the Bass stocking ban comes about from the DPI & F's hasty decision to abolish permits for commercial fishing competitions. As lordy states, the money will be put to other uses, including Saratoga and Mary River Cod, which will breed in the dam, and hopefully be self sustaining.
I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to
Nobby, the boating permit money and the camping fees don't go to stocking group.
Hi Dale,
Other stocking groups are obviously affected by the DPI's decision as well. What are they doing about this situation.
Do they back you in the action you have taken with the DPI ???
At the Southern Fish Stocking Workshop held early this year there was across the board support from stocking groups for something to get done to rectify the situation.Originally Posted by John_D
There have been alot of letters written & nothing has been done.
Somerset has more comps on it than any other freshwater location in Qld. It is the obvious choice where a "stand" should be taken.
I know that SWFSA have not asked other groups to support them & are willing to go it alone to get a result for all stocking groups across Qld.
We know the topic has been discussed by other groups since the SWFSA press release, however there seems to be some hesitation to openly support SWFSA or follow suit as they fear backlash from DPI&F.
There is some emailing going on within representative & /or lobby groups ATM, some if it is filtering through to me yet still no outward support or contact from FFSAQ, ANSA or Sunfish to SWFSA, so be it. Not that there is much any of these groups can do about it except for either support or not support.
The shit may well hit the fan, I for one hope it does as it can only help get a result sooner rather than later.
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Appears to be some movement from DPI&F. Hopefully a good outcome is on the horizon.
See media release here
Code of conduct for fishing competitions
A code-of-conduct could soon guide freshwater fishing competitions in Queensland to minimise the impact on fisheries as well as provide advice for competition organisers.
The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPI&F) is developing the code in collaboration with the Freshwater Fishing and Stocking Association of Queensland (FFSAQ).
DPI&F principal scientist Peter Jackson said the code would help to address stocking groups’ concerns following a decision in December 2003 to remove the need to hold a general fisheries permit for commercial competitions in Queensland.
Dr Jackson said competition organisers still required approvals from local councils and other government agencies to hold a competition but there was still a need to develop guidelines and practical advice for competition organisers.
“DPI&F is working with FFSAQ to develop a code of conduct which will help to protect fisheries from the impact of competitions,” he said.
“For example, if the competition is being held in any of the State’s stocked dams, organisers will be encouraged to contact the relevant fish stocking group.
“Impoundment fisheries require the ongoing stocking of fingerlings and therefore, it is important for the viability of these activities that competition organisers liaise and support the local fish stocking group.”
Dr Jackson said in the past, many organisers had donated some competition proceeds towards stocking activities which in turn benefits all dam users.
“We will be looking at a range of issues to ensure both the stocking group and competition organisers benefit,” he said.
For more information about fishing competitions visit or phone the DPI&F Call Centre on 13 25 23.
Further information: Peter Jackson +61 7 3224 2185
Media Officer: Liz Smith Ph: +61 7 3224 7757
Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries Media Unit
GPO Box 46 Brisbane Qld 4001. Fax +61 7 3239 0860
DPI&F Call Centre 8am-6pm weekdays on local call 13 25 23
Im not one to normally do a backflip but in this case I will. I was at Somerset on the weekend and had a great day fishing. I have been bass fishing for about 4 years now and have found Somerset to be the most consistent dams in South East Qld. Even though I do enjoy the tournaments I must admit that this year has been the toughest bass fishing year I have had at Somerset. There is probably a number of reasons for this, but i'm sure the that this dam is coping too much pressure. The SWFSA has done a fantastic job to get this dam to where it is today so who i'm I to judge your decisions. I hope that SWFSA finds a happy solution with the DPI and that this dam can continue to be the way it is.
Hi Dexter,
Thanks for the feedback/support,
The objective of the move was to get some action from DPI&F. This has been achieved I believe & I will trust DPI&F to follow through now that the ball is at least rocking (almost rolling). DPI&F Officer Steve Brooks has been busily organising concerned parties to get an initial meeting off the ground. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
I can forsee SWFSA now being more than happy to reverse the decision on bass stocking at Somerset.
In fact I had a call from SEQWCorp staff this week. Their allocation of bass fingerlings is due to arrive within weeks & they were asking where SWFSA would like them to be released (under SWFSA permit to stock of course). I advised them that Somerset would be a good location.
This Saturday (11-12-04) there will be a consignment of bass fingerlings arriving at Lake Wivenhoe. Anyone wanting to get involved or is just curious is more than welcome to come along. We're happy to show any adults/kids the fish & tell a little about what we do. Fish are due to arrive at Logans Inlet between 10:30 & 11:00AM.
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Hey Fitzy
Is there any thoughts as to why the numbers were down on the your recent classic?
Could it be the that Somerset is becoming an "elitist" dam aimed at Bass comps and tournaments? I know that would not be your intention? But given the number of tournaments of recent times that could be an easy assumption?
Having 20 high powered fully optioned bass boats fly pass your 12 foot tinnie at high rate of knots in the timber beyond kirkleigh can make you feel a little inadequate. But also having 2 tinlids in the boat with you means "danger" and rethinking your fishing options.
I fully support your move and think the SWFSA has done a great job. Some control has to be put on these tournaments otherwise they are gonna get out of control.
In the past I think the classic was successful because of grass roots support, somehow I think a lot of your original grass roots now give Somerset a miss. Could it be the comps?
Considering that once upon a time the timber at Kirkleigh was a retreat from those other varmints - water skiers. This aint so the case these days. And I would hate to begrudge a fellow fisherman a days fishing but I would have to consider it if it is only for sake of winning a comp.
Keep up the good work
Were "Banded Grunter" mistakenly stocked in Somerset? Is that rumour true? Was anybody "keelhauled" over that one?
All COMPS should be Catch & Release ONLY weather they are "Elite " fishermen or not.
The fishing pressure on a dam during a compition is huge compared to the average days fishing. You might consider it as bad as putting a net through the dam. because there is always a huge number of fish killed & weighed in not to eat but in for a prize.
Large fish caught during a competition should be verified by another competing boat then released, If the fish is not seen swim away by the varifing boat then NO POINTS
I only fish CATCH & RELEASE Comps
Budgebass,Considering that once upon a time the timber at Kirkleigh was a retreat from those other varmints - water skiers. This aint so the case these days. And I would hate to begrudge a fellow fisherman a days fishing but I would have to consider it if it is only for sake of winning a comp.
You won't see this happening at S'set anymore as everywhere north of the southern tip of Kirkleagh is now 6 knots, thanks mainly to the ski bunnies.
Codcatcha,Large fish caught during a competition should be verified by another competing boat then released, If the fish is not seen swim away by the varifing boat then NO POINTS
During the last classic, Dale Sinclair and I were doing on water live measuring and release, "NO SWIM - NO POINTS" in the C&R section at least, but they were still entitled to measure in as dead fish.
So at least that is a start.
Paul Cade
G'day Budge,Originally Posted by budgebass
This has been discussed since the Klassic, and I really think that cancelling last year's event was the major reason for lack of numbers. These days, it is very difficult to get major sponsors to commit anything too early. This year saw some confusion/misunderstandings that had an effect on our ability to advertise early enough to get major interest. Fortunately, the major sponsors, Motorama Bayside Marine, Humminbird and Minn Kota, as well as all the other businesses that donated prizes, were impressed with the event, and will be much easier to approach next year. The sooner we get committed sponsors, the sooner we can get the support of the press we've had in the past, and get the word out among the angling public. I was proud to be involved in the comp this year, and I'm definately going to be there next year. (May have to leave the bottle of Brandy home though ) Let's hope we can get the Klassic back to where it was, the biggest and bloody best fresh water fishing comp in Australia.
I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to
Hi BB,Originally Posted by budgebass
I think there were many compelling factor for a downturn in numbers at the Klassic.
Firstly it was the first time back after being cancelled the previous year due to broken promises from sponsors at the time.
Also the amount of other comps that are out there these days. Take a look at and you will see the amount of freshwater comps there are nowadays.
And lastly, the BOM gave a bad weather report in the days leading up to the Klassic.
I can say that before the SIP, vurtually all money spent by SWFSA on fish came from the proceeds of the Klassic, while at te same time the fishery just kept getting better & better, year after year. For a few fish eaten by anglers at this comp, the funds raised was enough to purchase well over 100 000 more fish each year.
The amount of grass roots fishing comps these days is dwindling, less direct support from sponsors is out there with a zillion other comps all looking for support & there's only so many comps folks can go to, nobody can do them all.
I'm sure you will find the numbers at the Kirkleagh Klassic will rise next year. The new format was exceptionally well recieved & there are plans to expand the comp as well. I wont let out too many details until more concrete information is at hand.
There currently is, & always will be scope for "tournament style" comps on Somerset. The objective was not to eliminate them (can easily be done if that's what we wanted), but to give the management committee the power to put certain restrictions/conditions on 3rd party comps & to ensure there is adequate access for ALL anglers, not just the elite/pro (minority) or the grass roots / family fishos (vast majority). Its basically about being able to create & manage a multi-level fishery that all can enjoy.
SWFSA have done this for close to 15 years now & have arguably created one of the best lake fisheries in Oz.
Banded Grunter. Due to legal reasons I cannot say too much in public. However I will say that these pest fish were either accidentally or intentionally introduced into Somerset, Wivenhoe & Hinze dams with consignments of fingerlings. There was some finger pointing going on & the lawyers got called in. End result is that nobody can 100% prove how they got there but I'm 100% sure were stuck with them.
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