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Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)
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Thread: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

  1. #1

    Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)


    Somerset & Wivenhoe Fish Stocking Assn. Inc
    PRESS RELEASE November 11, 2004

    Ban on bass at Lake Somerset
    The Somerset and Wivenhoe Fish Stocking Association (SWFSA) today announced that it would not be stocking Australian Bass into Lake Somerset this season.
    The announcement is in response to the Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries Dept dropping the Commercial Fishing Competition permit late last year. This move by DPI&F has effectively taken away community fish stocking groups ability to manage fishing competitions or tournaments run on the water bodies the various groups stock with native fish for the community to catch.

    SWFSA President Garry Fitzgerald today said, “we hoped it wouldn’t come to this but Fisheries lack of action have forced our hand.”

    “If we cannot effectively manage who runs what comps on these lakes then we can only do what is in the best interests of the community who have supported fish stocking for 15 years now and in recent years purchased SIP permits (Stocked Impoundment Permit).”

    “There’s a bass comp on every month up here and we have no way to control what happens and when, our only alternative is to stop stocking bass until the situation is fixed.”

    “We are only too happy to have tournament style comps on Somerset and Wivenhoe, but we need to be able to control the amount of comps, the fish they are targeting and the impact on the fishery, its all about effective management.”

    “Our members voted unanimously on this issue and are determined to fight on for the fishing communities best interests.”

    SWFSA will focus their stocking efforts on golden perch and silver perch at Lake Somerset, once the mainstays of Lake Somerset until DPI&F can get an effective Commercial Fishing Competition Permit system in place.
    SWFSA also plan to continue their efforts in creating breeding populations of Mary River cod and saratoga.


    Contact: Garry Fitzgerald 0412 161169 or email fitzy@[nospam]

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    I agree wholeheartedly with the above action taken by the SWFSA, I am not a member but enjoy my Bass fishing and realise what pressure a comp nearly every month must have on the Bass stocks in this impoundment. I hope that the regulators see their error and give the control back to SWFSA so they can maintain a healthy and sustainable fishery in this dam.



  3. #3

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Hear! Hear! I support wholeheartly the SWFSA,not a member but I do fish Somerset,keep up the good work.
    Good Fishin 2 U All Whitto

  4. #4

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Reaction to the above decision have been varied and passionate. Some are complaining with others supporting the move.

    The Aquaculture Assn of Qld (AAQ) President Bruce Sambell had this to say
    "Comment from the President of the Aquaculture Association of Queensland Inc.

    Having discussed this situation in detail with the above, I understand the principle, and support the position taken by the SWFSA. All stocking groups which hold a stocking permit are effectively the managers of the fishery, with DPI&F their supervisor. The action taken by SWFSA will effect the fish hatcheries who are producing Australian bass fingerlings. I believe that a solution to this situation should be found as soon as possible."

  5. #5

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Good on ya guys stand up for your rights. Its stocking guys like U that make freshwater fishing what it is today. The only direction for for fishing, without stocking groups, is down hill and fast

  6. #6

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    The elite comp minority crueling it for the average Bass angling majority!!


    It had to had to start somewhere. We all saw it coming.

    Every man and his dog wants to run a comp for the elite end these days. What about all the card-carrying majority out there that just want to relax and go fishing for Bass? Unfair? Of course it is without the bridle SWFSA used to be in control of.


  7. #7

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Why don't they push for catch and release. I saw a comp there recently and at the weigh in a lot a anglers didnt want to keep the fish they just killed or was i just there at abad time and saw a minority

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Quote Originally Posted by Randall
    The elite comp minority crueling it for the average Bass angling majority!!


    It had to had to start somewhere. We all saw it coming.

    Every man and his dog wants to run a comp for the elite end these days. What about all the card-carrying majority out there that just want to relax and go fishing for Bass? Unfair? Of course it is without the bridle SWFSA used to be in control of.


    That is a tad harsh mate, Elite ! . I agree with Fitzy but dont blame someone who wants to test there skill in a tournament situation. Maybe soem guidelines need to be in place for sure but inland fishing is just getting bigger. Both the people you refer to pay a sips permit fee as well as a boating fee for Somerset. I hope this brings to light maybe the pressure this dam gets , But if they will not stock Bass maybe people will stop ticking Somerset on the sips form ? ??? Then they wont have much money to worry about !
    So yes police it and keep the SWFSA informed of what is happening. But what is the reason why they stopped the original system ?

  9. #9

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Tony....make no appologies for the term Elite mate, what else can you call this group at the top of the angling pile? They are very good with substancial investments in the sport.

    Have absolutely nothing against the competitors....its all the johnny come lately comp organizers that want to cash in on the original success of the the original comps. I understand why...but it does`nt change the fact that the majority of SIP paying anglers are penalized by the postponement of stocking until SWFSA find a resolution.

    Harsh? Nahhhh. Realistic though!!


  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    So are we pointing out the first comps to run on the dam ? Or only the Johny come lately comps? If so that is good because it Labels someone to Blame it all on ???

    But in the first place as I asked why did they stop doing what was already working ? And ask the SWFSA or at least get there blessing .
    I aint no Elite mate Wish i was

  11. #11

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Hi Tony,
    As far as I can work out, DPI & F cancelled the or discontinued the system because they saw it as a non-value added complication to themselves. In their opinion they were not getting enough return for their investment of time to administer the system. Probably a similar reason to why there are twenty cash registers at K Mart, but only 3 operating at any one time, why invest more money, when the people will come back anyway. Being involved in the S W F S A inc. I can assure you that there was a lot of soul searching before this decision was made. Although the majority of the "commercial" competitions are catch and release, there has been no definitive study done to identify the long term survival rate of Australian Bass after their release from live wells and the like. Sadly, the stocking group does not have the funds or the man-power to conduct such a study. Being a Government Department, it would be great to see the DPI & S invest some of their time into this, so that fully iinformed individuals can make the correct decisions.
    Open slather of fishing comps on impoundments stocked by small groups of volunteers is definately not the way to go. We hope that the ABA is never faced with the same dilema.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  12. #12

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Dale. Had to do with the National Competition Policy. That is what twisted QFS's arm and why the permit system was dropped.

  13. #13

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Quote Originally Posted by Smithy
    Dale. Had to do with the National Competition Policy. That is what twisted QFS's arm and why the permit system was dropped.
    It was only the fee they had to drop, cant charge a fee without providing a service.
    But they threw the baby out with the bathwater. The old system wasnt the best anyway, it needed reworking. Here's the perfect opportunity to get some input from the stocking groups, comp organisers & Fisheries personnel to get a valid & working system that will stop clashes & potential exploitation of the fisheries created for the public, by the public.
    We were promised action in short order, to date there has been NONE.

    Time's a wastin & money from those dependant upon the bass there will go down the gurgler if DPI&F don't act smartly. None of it is my money tho so I'll be happy to sit back & wait if its going to give a better outcome for ALL stocking groups in Qld. If enough people show concern about this move, it might twist their arm the other way just a little.


    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
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  14. #14

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    From a resource management point of view there is good and bad in this move.

    Fitzy can you explain what is the objective of the decision.

    My concern is that the fishery will be more prone to degradation and decline before a change in management materialises.



  15. #15

    Re: Bass Ban at Somerset. (SWFSA Press Release)

    Quote Originally Posted by Simon_Goldsmith
    From a resource management point of view there is good and bad in this move.

    Fitzy can you explain what is the objective of the decision.

    My concern is that the fishery will be more prone to degradation and decline before a change in management materialises.


    Hi Simon,
    The objective of this move is to get some action on promises made earlier this year to get a system in place to effectively manage commercial fishing competitions. There has been NO movement, nor consultaion since the undertaken was given by DPI&F.
    That particular management committee (I am a member of several) had to make the decision on what fish where going where & place the orders or miss out this season. Buying fingerlings isnt like running down to the corner store to get a loaf of bread, they have to be ordered months in advance & are only available at certain times of the year. If you miss out that's it until next year.

    The community based stocking groups have the role of creating, maintaining & managing the recreation fisheries in their geographical region under guidelines laid down by DPI&F. It is the choice of the individual stocking groups as to what numbers of any of the "permitted" fish are stocked, there is an upper limit, but no bottom limit. If stocking groups cannot effectively manage the frequency of comps, what they are targettting, when they are held, it is poor management.

    SWFSA are fully aware of the potential ramification of this decision. We certainly sympathise with anyone who may be effected. Those that may be, we encourage you to contact the ministers office directly to voice your concerns & ask that DPI&F move quickly to avoid further delays.
    If no movement is forthcoming, SWFSA may well decide to remove bass from their stocking regime permanently; there certainly is no obligation to stock bass or any other species that are allowed within that catchment. Atkinsons Dam for example is only stocked with Saratoga.

    The decision is definately not about eliminating commercial fishing comps, just how to effectively manage them. Just tonight the SWFSA committee endorsed six (6) comps that are planned for Somerset & Wivenhoe. 3 x ABT & 3 x Bassmania. In total in the next year there will be 8 comps on Somerset & 7 on Wivenhoe, all endorsed by SWFSA.

    If the bass fishery collapses there then it can be rebuilt, it was started from scratch in the first place.

    In a nutshell, its about stocking groups being given the backup by DPI&F to be able to effectively manage the fisheries that the stocking groups created in the first place.


    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

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