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Thread: Mt Crosby Bass

  1. #1

    Mt Crosby Bass

    Hey guys. I'm looking to get started with bass fishing (normally fish estuaries) and live fairly close to the Mt Crosby/Karana Downs area. I've read that the bass fishing around there has been pretty good lately and was wondering if anyone knows any particularly productive areas. Also are there any particular sp's or spinnerbaits that work well?

  2. #2

    Re: Mt Crosby Bass


    Have a look at Fitzy's report in the "Reports" Chat area under "Brissy Riva Bass". He mentions a few things that might be helpful to you.

    You should also trawl through past reports in the "Freshwater Chat" area as well. Lots of fishos have given their thoughts on lures and locations along the Brissy River in recent times.

    Have fun.


    Hobie Outback 2012 &
    Hobie Oasis 2012

  3. #3

    Re: Mt Crosby Bass

    The fishable water in that area is from Mt Crosby down to (& even past) the Junction.
    Theres no fishing above the weir & no fishing 400m below + no fishing for 50m below the old disused weir that is down from Mt Crosby weir.

    You can see bass, tarpon, gar, mullet, lungfish, fork-tailed catfish, eel-tailed catfish & bullsharks anywhere along that section of river. Depending on the season & recent flows you might get bream, whiting & flathead right upto the old weir (no bull but pretty rare). Prior to closed waters I once caught a flathead while standing on the old weir.
    Bream are fairly common at Colleges Crossing, so are the bullsharks & gar.

    Park the car at Mt Crosby weir & walk down the westside & start at the 400m mark. You can walk right down to Colleges Crossing. The track up the top is pretty good but it can get pretty overgrown down towards Colleges. I used to walk in the river itself to get around the crappy bits.
    Try to belt you casts in under trees & around mid water structure. There some boulders etc in the water through there, give them a good working over.

    Shallow minnows & spinnerbaits are the best tho plastics do work. Good spinnerbaits are bassman 3/8 & 1/4 once tandems. Chartreuse, purple/white & blue/white work well. Lures? I tried out the new River 2 Sea Static Shad 60mm last week end. They're as good as anything else I use up in those waters & well priced, give em a go.

    Nothing much else to know, just get out there & give it a whirl. Bass can be dumb as dog sh!t at times & infuriatingly shy, all depends on the day.

    Good luck.

    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

  4. #4

    Re: Mt Crosby Bass

    Cheers guys, thats a huge help.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Mt Crosby Bass

    Got one (36cm) there on Friday morning. It was my first Bass on a Soft Plastic, using a small single tail Mister twister, white. Also caught a couple of Small Tarpon and a Garfish. Saw some good size bream and believe it or not, a Flathead, around 40cm.

    Cheers Richo

  6. #6

    Re: Mt Crosby Bass

    Damo from Ispwich Marine went out there last week end & got 16 tarpon & a couple of bass. Not far down from the old weir apparently. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
    When lizards show up it usually meant there's been bugger all flow & the salt is pushin up the river.

    Australian Lure & Fly Expo - Australia's largest ever gathering of Aussie lures under one
    Australian Lure Shop - Get aussie made lures direct from the lure makers at

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