Lenthalls dam will be closed to fishing and everything else untill the 30th of april for improvements,but unfortunatly not the road inPaul Dolan
Lenthalls dam will be closed to fishing and everything else untill the 30th of april for improvements,but unfortunatly not the road inPaul Dolan
I read that in the Sunday Mail this morning Paul. With 16 weeks to play with, surely they make some improvements to the goat track they call a road into there. I've heard they may open up the area to camping, do you have any info on that mate? Where will you get your freshwater fix from for the next few months?
I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to
I wonder how that would affect the fishies, ie not being exposed to fishing for 4 months
G/day Dale,mate there will be good camping facilities when it re-opens apparantlyand yeh mate you'd think they would do sumtin with the road but from what I got told today from someone in the know there only doin a few hundred meters of it when ya get to the dam
.Plenty of other places to fish around here to get me freshwater fix
Jeremy87 certainly can't hurt the fish gettin a break and there will be a few that will be saved from the blade for a while.
Regards Paul
I remember fishin' the ABT Electric Grand Final there a few years ago, and made the trip into Maryborough for tea at the pub in the middle of a ragin' storm. The old use spent more time sideways than straight ahead. Even took some water over the bonnet in one of the gutters. Mongrel road in to a little bit of paradise!
I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to
Can anyone tell me if it will be closed for the ABT comp thats suposed to be there on the 6th of March and if there is a change of venue because of the closure
I think the fact that the road in is rough, is why Lenthalls is such a great fishery. If that road ever gets upgraded you will find that eventually Lenthalls will loose that charm. Its a great place to go, theres never a crowd and plenty of fish. I'm even disappointed they are upgrading the camp site. I guess it had to happen.
I don't care if they never upgrade the road. Can you imagine how many more people will visit the place if there is easy access. I know it's selfish, but I enjoy it so much when you can go to a fantastic place like that, in the middle of school holidays, and there are only 5 boats on the dam.
Will now be on May 15thOriginally Posted by codcatcha
I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to
Yes I agree that if the road was sealed it would be the start of the end to a truly great dam.They just need to grade it every coupla months to keep it at a decent standard.Try drivin over it 2 and sometimes 3 times a week and not only every few months and you'd agree it needs work.I've been going to monduran lately so my car,boat and trailer don't get to trashed by the road in there.If we could get more people interested in stocking groups and not just want or expect the fish to be there then I don't think the fishery would be effected that badly.The amount of money we get out of the SIPS is no where near what the bigger dams get and the water board is cutting our funding because we get money from SIPS.I would like to see more barra go in there but cant get the numbers to vote that way so it will stay much the same for a while to come.There were 10,000 stocked on the 23rd of december but with the wall going up and the dam near doubling in size there gunna be hard to find.We can stock up to 40,000 per year but others don't want that, but it will happen in time.The work will change this dam forever and who knows it may ruin it or it may make it better if thats possible.It's gunna need alot more fish each year to keep it at the standard it's at now.Only time will tell.
Regards Paul
What are they doing to the dam which requires it to be closed?
Have spoke to the boss of Wide Bay Water when he stayed up here at Monduran. He says the cost to fixing the road was huge and the main trouble is the timber trucks working the foresty area would only wreck it again and the on going expense to maintain a sealed road was to great unless the timber guys put forward some money for the road and for it's maintance.
P.S Paul if the water board are going to charge people to camp at Lenthalls the stocking group should talk to them about a percentage of the camping fees going back into fish stock for the Lake. A percentage of all camping fees collected
at Lake Monduran goes to the stocking group.
Yeh Foxie,the road in will allways be a problem unless it's fixed but in saying that it's why the dam fishes so well it just doesn't get the preasure the others get.
I will talk to the other members in the stocking group and suggest we ask for a percentage of the camping fees to go towards fish.More barra.Paul
I'll sit on the fence on this one.
On one hand, I found the road in not too bad ( early Jan this year ), and it wasn't that long a drive anyway.
And sure, to have the improvements will be good, but at what cost.
We all remember places like 1770. great place still, but when you used to travel over 45k's of dirt / rocky road to get there, sure kept the ratbags away. Now with the sealed road, not only does everyone get up there , but the land values have gone thru the roof.
BUt, in saying that, I am not trying to go the way of the Daintree, and make a place exclusive to just a few.
In the end, proper management is the key. And that includes funding going to where it should go.
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Can you get there in a good 2wd?
Also to repeat myself from above... What upgrades are they doing that force the dam to be closed?