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Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders
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Thread: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

  1. #1
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    Hi all.
    Fished Somerset Dam this mornig and just got fed up with the Wakeboarders and Waterskiers that keep coming near you when your trying to have a nice quiet days fishing. I know they have every right to be on the water too but its a bloody big dam. Why do it near people trying to fish? Do we pull up right near the spit in droves and start trolling or casting lures where your trying to have fun? I don't think so. Is there anything that may be able to be done like having skiing areas? Whats everyone elses thoughts. I'm sure we've all had nasty thoughts whilst out on the water.
    Thats my two cents worth.
    [smiley=rifle.gif] [smiley=rifle.gif] [smiley=rifle.gif]

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders


    Ordinarily i'd be right there with you, I normally refer to them as brain dead morons, but I to fished Somersault this morning and mostly within sight of The Spit and for a change wasn't bothered by them at all, even commented to a mate on the water, that there didn't seem to be many on the water.

    Mind you, I was off the water by 9.30, ahhh the joys of being a local and not feeling that because I spent and hour driving there, that I had to spend all day on the water. Sorry mate, just had to say that.


  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member macca's Avatar
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    Got to the tackle shop and buy the biggest sinkers you can find.

    And then use them


  4. #4

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    Try video them breaking the water regulations, make sure you have their boat registration number on film. Then send copy to waterways and see what the responce is. If police recieve such film of people breaking the Law then they must act. Waterways Police the water lets see if they have any bite to all their Bark or do they only hassle fishermen.

  5. #5

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    one time i was bank fishing and a pleasure boater came really fast right by me and splashed me then anchored right out in front of me and started swimmin. so wat did i do................i took one of my poles then tied on a big sinker and casted it out and hit the boat, right on the deck. when they noticed, they looked at me like i was crazy and all i did was sarcasticly say sorry then laughed. after that they moved on. so all in all it worked pleasure boaters arnt ussually a bother. its the airboats that u have to watch out for, alot of them like to come real close to u as fast as they can...............basturds

  6. #6

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper
    Hi all.
    I know they have every right to be on the water too but its a bloody big dam. Why do it near people trying to fish? Do we pull up right near the spit in droves and start trolling or casting lures where your trying to have fun?
    Now as a self confessed avid bass fisherman and jet ski owner I see both sides to this arguement. You have admitted that everyone (no matter there idea of fun) has the right to be on the water, and that is true!

    But I have seen the spit area of somerset crawling with bass fisherman and then get upset when we (skiers) have to go past them because they give us nowhere else to go. I am not saying that people cant fish the spit area because I plan on fishing there this weekend, and will do so many more times in the future.

    My opinion is its more of a law problem...the rule says 30metres between boats...and even at 30mtrs a powerboat can throw up a good sized wake...and that does knock a little tinny around! But if the distance was increased that would leave even less room (indirectly) for everyone concerned.

    Adding to this though I have seen many inconsiderate acts (on both sides) committed on the water. I have had a boat go one side of me and the skier went the other side. I literally had to duck the skirope as it came over!!!!!

    But on the other hand I have found myself sitting upon a school of fish that just happened to be smack bang in the middle of the skiboat circuit. Both times I thought to myself I was in the right!! Maybe I should stop and look around at the situation before deeming myself in the right!

    So it comes down to the simple fact that we are stuck with each other (skiers and fisherman) and we should learn to tolerate each other. For as long as there is large bodies of water...and bass...there will be skiers and fisherman!

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    Quote Originally Posted by Leigh77
    My opinion is its more of a law problem...the rule says 30metres between boats...and even at 30mtrs a powerboat can throw up a good sized wake...and that does knock a little tinny around! But if the distance was increased that would leave even less room (indirectly) for everyone concerned.
    The biggest problem seems to me, to be that they have either no concept of the rules, and if they do, no concept of how far 30mts is, I had a brain dead moron, drag skiers between me (drifting) and another guy (trolling slowly) and we would have been flat out being 30mts apart and had the ordacity to smile and wave as he went past. That in itself is not an isolated incident, Somerset's a big dam, and has some extremely large bays, even at around 30 percent. But time and time again I am harrassed by "Brain Dead Morons" who seem to take great delight on passing as close to me as possible , when they could have passed literally 100's of metres from me.

    Recently I had a ski boat full of people quite literally racing me along the bouy line heading south from Kirkleigh, to my left a skier in the water, Idiot to my right and he's trying to push me closer and closer to the skier in the water. Eventually he gunned it, cut across my bow by only metres away got about 20mts in front of me and almost stopped dead in the water. Now I ask you, is that the actions of anything other than a "BRAIN DEAD MORON" Is there a special license for ski boat drivers, where the first question is: Are you an Idiot, if so continue to question 2. If not, get a normal boat license.

    Just my every week-end of the year observations of boating at Somerset.


  8. #8

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders


    Please dont compare fisherman with skiers with regards to being inconsiderate. I am a frequent visitor to Somerset Dam and I have not once ever seen an inconsiderate act by a fisherman towards a skier. On the other hand I cannot say the same for the reverse situation. The facts are skiers can ski anywhere they want, they dont have to follow a circuit, if they look far enough ahead, all of them could easily stay away from any fishing boat. Unfortunately 99% of them can only go in a straight line and if you happen to be in the way, tough. I wont write down any of my experiences because its just too many. I dont really understand why skiers are the way they are, all of them need to be educated on common courtesy. If I were a skier and saw someone fishing in the distant I would make sure I gave that person plenty of room. Common sense to me.


  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    Maybe us fishermen need to band together for a media beat-up.

    Somerset Dam is full of giant sized catfish or eels, maybe we need to drum a story about the legendary "telegraph pole" size eels that supposedly inhabit the dam wall area.

    Giant EEL chases Bass fisherman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tinny chomped in half by giant eel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What do you think???

    Cheers Budgebass

  10. #10
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    When ever I go to Somerset or any dam I stay well clear of where people are water skiing or wake boarding. Just out of courtesy. On saturday when I was there, I was fishing around pelican point and the paddock. Now as most of you now how big an area of that is. I just can't get why they think its a good idea to ski so close to other people when you can clearly see other area of the dam that didn't have anyone around. If I was a skier I know I'd rather be on a nice smooth area with no other boats wash or someone trying to fish. Now I'm not saying all fisherpersons (can't leave the females out now) always do the right things. Just seems that some of the population in this world just don't give a shit about anyone else. And it wasn't a small minority on Saturday this time either.
    [smiley=rifle.gif] [smiley=rifle.gif] [smiley=rifle.gif]

  11. #11

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    Hasn't Sommerset got any ski free zones like they have at Leslie Dam at Warwick?
    They work reasonably well there.

  12. #12

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    It seems a few of you missed the point I was trying to make in regards to fisherman being inconsiderate.

    From personal experience when we go skiing we do have a circuit that we like to follow...that way the skier knows which way the boat is going to head and when its going to head that way. And to get a good lap in that requires a large amount of water! But if something (fishing boat or other craft) is blocking that circuit obviously there would be a slight change in plans...A quick deviaton and the job is done. Pity not all think like that hey.

    But as a fisherman I also know that I could be fishing against the bank or out in open water. I choose to fish in the open water therefor I should expect to get boatwash from other boats in the area...especially ski boats. But I do not expect the boats to pass close enough so that I can tell if they have a runny nose or not!

    I admit that some skiboat drivers do seem to gain pleasure out of passing as close as possible to the fisherman. But like I said before...there are always the idiots...just like on the road!!!!

    We don't ski at Somerset anymore, but when we did we used to put all the gear in the boat and go find a spot to ourselves! As the spit area can quite quickly become overcrowded and at times dangerous!

    So getting back to fishing the open water...(now think about this before shooting your mouths off)...Don't you think its possible that the skiers think that is slightly inconsiderate! "Of all the water you have to fish in you choose to fish right there in the middle of nowhere!"

    Another thing that used to happen a lot when we were skiing is this. Every man and his dog knows that if the skier is in the water (just off the bank) with ski grip in hand, the boat is getting ready to go and pull the skier out of the water for a quick lap. We all know what that looks like whether you are a skier or about when you are at that stage and a slow moving boat cruises past trolling lures, or casting. right in front of you totally blocking you in...I would call that inconsiderate!

    I do realise as said above some people seem to have no idea just on how far 30mtrs is. But I have been buzzed as close range (less than 10mtrs) by high powered fishing boats before as well. Some fishing boats you see on the water will match it with some skiboats for heavens sake!

    Paul commented on the licencing for skiboats. You can drive a skiboat with the same licence as you can for a 3mtr tinny! But I do recall when I went for my licence I walked out thinking it was a complete waste of time and money. The licence system is a joke and it should be majorly overhauled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We could go on bagering about but all the other points made by you good folk revolve around one thing (and you all said it)...IDIOTS! Skiers are like fisherman in the way of staying in their local water! If you paid attention to what boats are behaving and what are not, you would find that its the same boats that are ruining it for everyone! Skiers have their favourite holes too so to speak. So as mentioned before, if you have the chance take a few digi photos of the stupid behavour and report it...If the officials get too many reports in regards to the same boats they will have to act!!!!!

    I know since all of you are soley bass fisherman you probably wont take my points seriously, But if both parties don't think about the problem it will never be fixed!

  13. #13

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    30 meters is the distance that skiers should stay away from any other water craft. That is the law of the water. We've all had the #@$#@!#$ hassle us fishermen for no reason. When there is so much room on the water for everyone to use safely and undisturbed. The only reason they come close is to show how fast their boat is and how loud it is. When are these Morons going to learn that the only people that care about them skiing are other ski boat Morons.
    30 meters is well within casting range. The last time I got hassled by skiing morons was a couple of weekends ago, they were coming within 15 meters and smileing and laughing each time they passed. On the fourth pass I stood up, loaded up and cast at the skier not the boat. As they zoomed away the skier shouck his fist at the boat driver and You know what they didnt come pass a fifth time.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member macca's Avatar
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    The 30 metre rule should also apply to the ramp and surrounds.

    It seems everytime I go for an early fish, I come back to these morons with their setup pitched right beside the ramp!

    As well as having to put my boat on the trailer with continuous bow waves from ski boats within 30 metres to the ramp.

    All it is, is common courtesy, these morons do not know what it means!


  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Inconsiderate Skiers and Wakeboarders

    Cheers Macca agree totally..............

    Why is it that on every dam skiers think they own the water? Somerset, Maroon, Moogerah, Leslie why do skiers set up camp right beside the boat ramp.

    I once had the naivety, not to lock my trailer onto my car at Maroon, some skiers came along moved my trailer so they could set up their camp right beside the boat ramp.

    The skiers did not put my trailer back onto car correctly leaving it not correctly hitched. So trying to put my tinny on myself whilst putting up with crashing waves from stupid skiers too close to the boat ramp.

    My whole tinny and trailer come flying up in the air, lucky enough the safety chain saved me. And I turned around to see the same skiers laughing and rolling on the ground at my misfortune.

    Thankfully a fellow fisherman gave me a hand.

    As referred to once or twice on this site - skiers nothing more than lake lice.................................

    Unfortunately in 10-12 years of hanging around Dams I aint seen a waterskier not worth wasting a sinker on



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