Slow yes thats right Slow l have been fishing Awoonga for about three years now and l have tried every lure there is...Well lots of them anyway...Soft plastics well l have bought some but never used them... Dont need too ! lures catch fish not bits of rubber..Wrong.. As l said before Fishing was slow What to try ?? So may as well put one on ...This gold one looks ok Hit....Must be a Cattie No a 57 cm Barra just beginners luck try again...Thump Barra...again.. no a sootie grunter never caught one of those before..This could be fun... Whack..Whats this ??.. S...t did l just see a mtr Barra just jump out of the water on my lure...err sorry soft plastic.. yep..So am l hooked on them ??? sure thing So next time you come to Awoonga and things are a bit slow try a soft plastic They do work....