Fellow fishers,
One thing than rec fishers could do to defuse political pressure directed at us from the more extreme or irrational margins (every group has them) of green lobby power, would be to get our own runs on the board in terms of fish / habitat conservation efforts. One specific initiative that I would like to engage support for is increased, targeted expenditure of rec fishing trust funds for research, breeding and stocking programs for endangered fish species – especially what I call 'forsaken fish' i.e. ones that the rec fishers once loved but have had to give up because they're now listed as endangered and off bounds - Macquarie Perch and Trout Cod being top of the list. Some stocking effort is already going with Trout Cod but we need to go much further. I believe we should be pushing for an active program that aims to have these species sufficiently recovered to be available to recreational fisheries (perhaps only catch and release) within ten years.
It is one way to defuse the criticism of greenies - rec fishers paying for the rehabilitation of endangered species. It is not a new concept - the hunting fraternity in the US paid for the recovery of the Pronghorn antelope (once endangered) which today is an actively hunted species again - no reason why we can’t do the same with endangered fish. In fact unless resources sourced from recreational fisheries are used to help recover the species I would suggest that the chances that rec fishers will get access to recovered populations in the future may be pretty slim.
If you live in NSW, Vic or ACT and want to support the idea that more rec trust funds should be used for endangered fish programs, I have developed three sets of form letters (below) for members in NSW, Victoria and the ACT (the range of the species concerned). They are all subtly different so make sure you use the one that is appropriate to your state. One letter is addressed to the relevant minister, the other to the Chair or ED of the recreational fishing trust fund committee. In the case of the ACT there is only a letter to the Environment Minister as they don’t have fishing licenses or associated trust funds.
Feel free to use the letters as drafts and to add or subtract the points that you think need greater emphasis. The letter to the Rec fishing trust fund committees will be most effective if they come from angling clubs rather than individuals and I would encourage members of fishing clubs to download a copy to take to their club for consideration for sending out under club secretary signatures.
It would be good to keep a track of this campaign if it gets going so if individuals or clubs send off form letters please log back in to say you have done so and also to notify of any responses received.
Here’s hoping to a successful campaign and that we all get to see a Macca smash a lure or an arked up Trout Cod in a clear upland river before we kark it of old age ???.
Best regards and tight lines – Jim Tait.
PS - You will probably have to reformat the letter i.e. bullet points etc to spruce it up after you cut and paste it from the Ausfish forum into a word document