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Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net
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Thread: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

  1. #1

    Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    I am planning a 1 month Trip up north with my wife, which will combine some sight seeing (for Brownie points) with sessions on about 5 Barra lakes. My problem is the large landing net is hard to transport and leave in a bass boat during the times that we are not fishing and I was wondering what the thoughts are about landing the large barra using a Boga grip or similar tool. I don't want to gaff them because I release all fish. If I was only fishing the net would be the only answer it is just that we will be leaving the boat and car for a couple of days whilst we visit a several islands and a large net left in a boat will last about 10 minutes.


  2. #2

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    Hi Mossie,
    A net is best. If you go to the Lip Grips, be careful which one you use. Boga Grips are the best. Most of the cheaper imitations that we all use have a bad fault when it comes to trying to land big fish with the. If the fish pushes forward, the jaws on the grip will open. Try your's in the palm of your had. Just push down on the jaws. Don't lift barra into the boat by the jaw either. They are not designed to carry their body weight by the jaw, and the fish will probably die. If you use the grips, support the body with your other hand. Not an easy feat with a large barra in the water at the side of the boat.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  3. #3

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    Dale thanks for your thoughts, I would naturally prefer the net.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    Net, net, every time
    Kids need models, more than they need critics."
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  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    I agree with Awoonga and aussiebasser a good net is the only way to go for big Barra. Lip grips are alright for little rats but make sure you support them with your other hand.

  6. #6

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    Mossie, Get the large net with the slide in handle, they work a treat and will stow in the boot of a car.

    All times wasted thats not spent fishing

  7. #7

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    One hand in the mouth and the other half way along the bady. This is the comfort lift and the fish usually lays quite still so it's also relatively safe if done properly. Don't lift them in by the mouth only as already stated but also don't hold them vertical at any stage. A net is best but the comfort lift should get you through.
    Cheers, Mark.

  8. #8

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    If its not a big deal if it gets away or you don't need it in for a photo ? Lip grips a the go as ya can just grab and remove lure and fish stays in the water .

    Cheers Les

    "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

  9. #9

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    Of course in croc country, a lip grip is a very risky proposition. I've only had one trip to the Territory, but the way we did it was to net the fish straight into the boat, where a lip grip is handy to hold the jaws still while the fish is lying in the net on the deck and while removing hooks, and then net it back out again if releasing. Some guys revived their fish with a lip grip in the water, but that was too scary for me. Would be interested in comments of more experienced barra fishers in croc rivers.

  10. #10

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    Thumb in mouth rest of your fingers under jaw.When a barra comes to the boat they usually just lay there, big or small.
    If just releasing leave in water Unless quick photo same mouth grip support middle.If releasing in croc water swin it against side of boat and dont lean to far over.Big tip if just you and wife crush your barbs
    regards gary

  11. #11

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    Thank you all for your thoughts I have decided to go and get a cover customised made for the boat which means I will be able to carry a landing net and leave it in the boat whislt travelling and during times when the boat will be parked without fear of it being pinched.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Landing Barra, Lip Grip vs Large Net

    I guide in a croc filled river in the territory, and All I can say is that a good landing net so the way to go. 8)
    I don't like boga grips or any thing like them, as the chance of damage to the fish is to high. Broken teeth or broken necks seem to limit thier chances.
    You can get fold down nets, but they are a knoted net.(not good for the fishes slim or scales.)

    Jason [smiley=evil.gif]

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