just how big are these freshwater stocked barra going to reeach???? this barra was 23 kg, caught at Awoonga on a ultra large gold bomber in about 5 feet of water.(this photo is actually of myself). My mate from st george , Graham Wells and i, caught (he caught it),a barra 200 grams less than 30 kg in Awoonga. i hooked up on a 25kg plus barra that actually jumped and dislodged my hooks, only seconds before Graham's next cast hooked solidly to a bigger one. the barra was caught on braided line, and after a 70 m chase through the light timbers, it was subdued and netted. the Waterboard and the local paper use the photo's of the fish as advertising when needed. largest recorded to date apparently,( but that will change in time to come) My mate Graham was stoked to say the least. a week long trip to gladstone in August saw him land 3 fish around 30 kg, his barra, and a 32 and 33 kg mackerel.
i hooked a barra in Awoonga this year that was easy 35 kg or more, serious. the company on that day was an ex commercial fisherman, and his jaw dropped and he froze solid as the big barra jumped 7 or 8 times boatside. my mate had the landing net, but was so stunned and in such awe at the barra's size, he simply forgot to net it as it lay momentarily boatside, the ex barra netter said " it had a head bigger than a moreton bay shark!", the big barra had another evil run before wearing through the 80 lb leader. ( i think it cut it off on its gill cutters actually). now, barra have been in lake awoonga for almost 10 years! how big are they really going to get? i reckon awoonga or faust will hold the key to the new record sized fish in the following 4 or 5 years. 50 kg is not a joke!! i've strived for a 100 pound saltwater fish over the last 12 years, reached the 80 lb mark, but never the magic 100, freshwater will see that goal in the coming years.
johnny M.
Lake Awoonga