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Thread: 20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

  1. #1

    20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

    young fella from bundaberg, biggest fish he's ever seen!
    "smiles say it all"
    next few days will see the fishing overall improve dramatically.
    Split rings, and lure clips leave a lot to be desired, even small barra have enormous jaw strength. be overgunned for best results!
    Johnny M
    Lake Awoonga Barra Fishin Charters

  2. #2

    Re: 20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

    Struth batman how fat is that barra....

  3. #3

    Re: 20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

    That is a monster, Bet the lil fella is still smiling.

    Great catch

  4. #4

    Re: 20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

    fat or phat?

  5. #5

    Re: 20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

    The fish is nearly as big as the kid, no wonder he looks so happy. If he never catches another fish he will still be smiling.

  6. #6

    Re: 20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

    great fish,gotter get up there soon.

  7. #7

    Re: 20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

    now thats a nice fat fish , makes you wonder how many fingerings are making it past there first yr now days with bucket mouths like that to look out for.
    you won"t be able to get the grin off the kids face for weeks
    good on ya

  8. #8

    Re: 20 kg, 8 am, Awoonga.

    well done the young fella looks proud as punch

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