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Thread: traps, the good bad and downright dodgey

  1. #1

    traps, the good bad and downright dodgey

    i'm just trying to clarify something and i would apreciate the help of those way more knowleadgable than i, when i was a wee lad on our farm out at gundi we used to trap our yabbies/shrimp in a submerged 20 litre drum with holes punched in the bottom and we used to use a rolls or wire mesh rolled into a cylinder shape of about a metre and four cones inserted to catch carp to clear the dam out no i'm pretty sure the second traps would be illeagal due to the risk of turtle etc bycatch but what about the first trap? is there a law against it? or do you just think there's better traps? or maybe a better question would be what trap do you use to catch shrimp? methods etc.
    i thank you in advance.

  2. #2

    Re: traps, the good bad and downright dodgey

  3. #3

    Re: traps, the good bad and downright dodgey

    thank you i did read that, but could my drum trap be considered a canister trap? and my oter one a funnel trap? a round trap? etc, thats more what i was looking for opnions and idea's for which traps wpuld work.

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