Looking at a new GPS and was wondering if any of the chart companies ( C-Map NT+, Navionics Gold, Blue Charts ) cover the main Qld lakes ie:Awonga, Faust,Munduran etc ?
Thanks Scotto
Looking at a new GPS and was wondering if any of the chart companies ( C-Map NT+, Navionics Gold, Blue Charts ) cover the main Qld lakes ie:Awonga, Faust,Munduran etc ?
Thanks Scotto
Well there is a map that covers the boyne river ....that is now under water at Awoonga its good for finding the old river bed...l havent seen any that cover the others.......
Kids need models, more than they need critics."
"In youth we learn; in age we understand."
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand
Awoonga - what chart covers the Boyne ?
Err...err...looking...looking will get back to you on that one
Kids need models, more than they need critics."
"In youth we learn; in age we understand."
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand
Spoke with Lowrance at some length at the Brisy Boat Show in relation to this, as had seen the "Hot Maps" advertised for the US lakes, and had hoped that something similar may be avaialable in AUS.
Unfortunately to date no impoundments have been mapped to be inculded with Lowrnce compatibility, (so I was informed), I would doubt that they exist at all, apart for some potentially overlapping coastal rivers as outlined above.
Definetly a market for this in AUS with impoundment fishing becoming more popular, I can't imagine that it would be that difficult for mapping companies to overlay topographic maps onto the areas that are now flooded.
Not sure if it will work at all, especially if plotters and auto are used. Consider the dam is at 33% and last year you just hit auto and made your mark. Ooops the dam was 80% then, now you're ploughing across paddocks to get to your fav spot. Also the shoreline of an impoundment could alter dramatically with falling or rising water.Originally Posted by Bassman1113
I recon a general outline of the lakes at either 50% or 100 % percent would be fine OR have both contours outlines
They do it in the States - so it shouldn't be too hard here.It will just come down to demand I suspect.
Thanks Scotto