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Eat or Catch & Release?
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Thread: Eat or Catch & Release?

  1. #1

    Eat or Catch & Release?

    Im curious to know what the majority of fresh water fishers do with their fish. It seems to be frowned upon for people to take home/eat fish from Impoundments, even though most species allow a bag limit. I can see reason to this as the fish have to be stocked.
    However, I personally like to fish for a feed, and it would seem odd to me to go fishing with the sole intent of throwing them ALL back. Having said that, I only take home what I need, which is 1 or 2 fish, and I usually only fish in estuaries or the Bay.

    So if I were to fish in an impoundment and you saw me (legally) take some home would you all frown at me?

  2. #2

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    i find
    it is ok if you take home what you need.
    i dont usually take any home but i somtimes take 1 for the my grandparents.
    but i always put the real big 1s back and only take the 1s that are just legal.
    the big 1s are gthe breeders and i dont take them

    cya mate

    P.S i wouldnt frown if u took 1 or 2 but i might if say u had 5 and above

  3. #3

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    i'm the same, i love my fish fresh so i'll only tak enough that i'll eat that night, and i find the flesh is sweeter on the medium sized ones, that being said in some holes they all go back soley cause there's so few good ones around, gotta give them a chance to replenish

  4. #4

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    Quote Originally Posted by shappas
    the big 1s are gthe breeders and i dont take them

    cya mate

    P.S i wouldnt frown if u took 1 or 2 but i might if say u had 5 and above
    I thought the stocked fish didn't breed in impoundments ??? So taking a few for a feed shouldn't be a problem - thats why they re-stock every year ???

  5. #5

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    yeh i do a bit of both but as i fish river i maily release my sweetwater fish however like everything i will take a few home at times

    as for impoundments i will take a fish home more readly form them and will also keep bigger fish as they are comeing to the end of their lives and allows other to take it's place

  6. #6

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    I would be lucky to eat one fish a year, so i more than often put em back. Its all good to one home if your gunna eat it soon, but dont stock em up in the freezer just to show em off to your mates when they come around - thats what cameras were made for.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member scuttlebutt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    I'm no expert on impoundments, but I know barra can't breed in dam situations, where there is no salt water (such as Tinnaroo). Hence the ongoing stocking program.

    Also, an argument put forward in the past is that the really big barra tend to eat the smaller barra, so you end up with a few big fish instead of lots of medium sized ones. Therefore it's good to take out a few big ones occasionally.

    Lastly, from all accounts, big impoundment barra taste like mud and are full of fat.

    One day I hope to get to an impoundment with the goal of catching a big barra to have made into a fish mount, and I certainly wouldn't think twice about taking a large fish in those circumstances.

    PS: I'm only talking about impoundment barra here, other species may be different.



  8. #8

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    mate i dont mind taking a feed but i only ever take what i no will get eaten

  9. #9

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    dont really take freshwater fish to eat, basiacally catch and realese,

    only take fish from the sea for eating


  10. #10

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    you all know what I think

  11. #11

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daintreeboy
    you all know what I think
    No. Thats why I asked the question......

  12. #12

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    i know a small farm near the logan river that has a fairly large dam and some of the bass in there breed.
    but this dam has circulation pipe pumping the water from the river so it is a bit salty

    hmm anyone else heared of this?

  13. #13

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    Hi mate
    I love to see my fish swim away I get the most satisfaction know I have had my fun without causing harm to anything, but for those that do want to eat there capture by all means eat it, As practicing release fisherman I have nothing against those who keep fish as long as they eat what they catch and not just a method of proof of capture. Its has been a topic of conversation at many of comp and I think most would agree with me. Anyhow tight lines hope to see you on the water.

  14. #14

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    It is a personal thing , some 99% of fisho's will release as they just love fishing others will take 1 home for a feed. Any client who rings me and hints at taking thier bag will be sent packing thats not how I fish. I will take a big Barra home approx every couple of months as this gives our family a good few feeds. As far as Big Barra tasting like mud , it is all in the preparation , if you know how to clean them and have a good recipie they taste no different . Most fishos I know will only take Barra from 70cm to 90cm.

  15. #15

    Re: Eat or Catch & Release?

    Thanks for the responses everyone. I should reiterate to you all that I only ever take 1 or 2 fish myself at a time, and usually from saltwater.
    I throw back many more than I take home, but I always go home with a feed.

    I just dont think I should be looking over my shoulder the one day I DO take a freshwater species home, providing its legal and Im going eat it lovingly.


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