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Thread: Yabbies too big!

  1. #1

    Yabbies too big!

    G'day, I just found a neat, handy waterhole I'd not known about and brought home about 30 yabbies from 3 pots...but they're almost all big ones!
    Probably a silly question, but any tips on getting the smaller 30 - 50mm size (most of mine were 100 - 150mm) good eating but too big for bait?
    Cheers and tight lines

  2. #2

    Re: Yabbies too big!

    cut the top out a soft drink bottle & sew it into your trap the smaller holes stop the larger ones from getting into the trap

  3. #3

    Re: Yabbies too big!

    I have 2 traps made out of pvc tube with the top of soft drink bottles attached in the ends.

    They're great for bait size yabbies and shrimps. Also, if you screw the caps in, they make good keepers.

    Work better than those expanding mesh ones and a lot stronger.


  4. #4

    Re: Yabbies too big!

    Thanks a bunch. Great idea and I'm on it!

  5. #5

    Re: Yabbies too big!

    Keep the big suckers alive for reef fishing great bait have caught black king, cod and sweetlip on them. Only stay alive for a few minutes in the salt but by then they have usually been gobbled up.

  6. #6

    Re: Yabbies too big!


    bbq the lot..and catch a yabbie and fresh bread sanga

    with a touch of vinegar/salt /pepper

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