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Thread: Dumaresq Dam Armidale - Best time of year

  1. #1

    Dumaresq Dam Armidale - Best time of year

    Hi I'm Fyshie and I'm new to this chatboard and freshwater fishing.

    I was wondering if anyone knows the best time/s of year to fish in Dumaresq Dam (via Armidale NSW) for Trout and/or Redfin?

    Also, have many people had success fishing in the dam from the shore line (I don't have a boat).

  2. #2

    Re: Dumaresq Dam Armidale - Best time of year


    I fish this location, however I have always done so in a boat (rubber duckie). Weed is a real killer even casting or trolling from the boat.

    Caught a Pb trout during September, never seen anything other than some small redfin since.

    What needs to happen is a total weed kill and the fishing may happen as a result.

    If you want to persevere probably the clearest weedless location is at the boat ramp.


  3. #3

    Re: Dumaresq Dam Armidale - Best time of year

    G'day Fyshie,

    Unfortunately I can't help you with your question as I don't live down that way.

    But welcome to the site anyway.


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