PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 do freshwater barra taste any good? - Page 2
As mentioned the smaller ones are better and removing fat and red meat helps. Also I soak in cold salty water overnight.
The actual fish is another point. I had a metre plus fish die at Faust and kept it. It was beautiful and I mean it. Looking at the pics it was long and slender and very silver and even had some yellowy colour. The worst is definitely Awoonga, those fish are fat.
as far as im concerned if you want barra to eat GO TO THE FISH MARKET AND GET A KILO OR TWO >.
i think, barra being a sport fish should receive respect that it deserves not the its just a fish approach lots of fun can be had if they are caught for sport and released to fight another day, than feeling guilty about killing a fish that doesnt even taste good .......have a think.
he ya Jimbo, I'm pleased you are thinking about all of this, because we do bear a burden to act responsibly, and be seen as such.
Have a talk to the experts from the stocking groups who encourage us to take the big girls so they don't eat their expensive fingerlings.
As for catch and release, don't think you occupy the moral high ground, because for a lot of people disagree. (who cares about them? well check the laws in Germany) Me, I think the science is such that if you take care, C&R is ok, but don't b@#$er about too long (or evan at all) taking photos out of the water.
For me, and it very personal, I justify fishing for myself as catching a feed, and stop on those (rare for me) times when I have more than my wife, daughter and I can eat.
Cmon fellas, if you don't want to keep fish, fair enough, but don't preach to those who do. Now why can't we keep some dam barras? They are stocked for a "put and take" fishery. I am all for sport fishing and do release most of my barra, but enjoy a feed of fresh fish. If you want to take some do so, just don't abuse it. After being involved extensivly in fish stocking for over 10 years I can tell that we don't put them in for decoration. They are there for people to enjoy, be it eating or catching. Certainly in the early days catch and release was encouraged due to limited fish stocks and also public education, but those days are now well and truely over, there are plenty of fish to go around. If the person catches the fish using legal methods and they observe the bag limits, they are well within their rights to keep them.
to rick
yeh mate i do agree with the theory of the big girls come out but i am a member of the hervey bay stocking association.... we stock lenthalls dam with both barra and bass (mostly) and the barra we have put in are not to the metre mark as yet so id be pretty pissed off if i saw undersized barra being taken its happened before and surely you wouldnt call a 86cm average a big girl i aasume that this is about hervey bay area (being posted by herveybaymagic).
Ive seen guys take undersized fish out of our impoundments on many occasions, and my father has taken their info and is always on the phone as soon as he gets home. Its rubbish, if they cant follow simple rules as to legal limits they should have their licence burnt and burried.
As for the Barra issue : I have a rule for myself, and i stick to it everytime i hit the water - Any Barra under 75 i throw back, any Barra between 75 and 90 i will keep, BUT only what i need, i wont keep 3 or 4, and any above 90 goes back, thats when they taste 'orrible and they they deserve to be roaming around the waters patrolling their young.
Jinmbolikes_barra thats quite a valid point you make, and i respect the fact that you care for the fish, theres guys out there that couldnt care less.
Getting back 2 the taste testing, after releasing all the Barra I've caught at Callide dam I decided to keep 1 & have a try.
After soaking the fillets in milk o-night, I baked some, crumbed & fried some & made thia fish cakes out of rest 4 entree. Invited 6 friends over 4 tea. All were a bit sus at first but enjoyed it, there were no complaints.
Catch & release Barra is my main aim, but dont be afraid of keeping one every once in a while.
I asked this question on another thread before I knew this one was here. I actually rang the woman that owns Awoonga house boats for a chat about hiring her boats and asked her this question. She said she thinks they taste muddy and need spice or something added.
My two cents is this. Surely something as wonderful as a barra shouldn't be messed with spices, and I love spices. Making thai fish cakes out of barra almost brings a tear to my eye. It's like crushing down diamonds to make sand for ya kids sand pit!
Having said that I may try a 60 to 75cm model, if I bloody catch one, and if its at all muddy or bland then no more, back they all go.