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salt water species in fresh water
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Thread: salt water species in fresh water

  1. #1

    salt water species in fresh water

    hi angler
    i heard a rumour that the authorities are putting salt water fish in big tanks and slowley taking down the salt ratio every day so that they addapt to fresh water and when they are ready they will be stocking the dams with salt water fish

    does any body know about this or weather it is possible?

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    Some species naturally live in both and migrate between the two, usually on spawning runs. An example is the sea mullet which lives in the fresh and brackish sections of the rivers but goes to sea to breed (when the beach netters target them). Bass and barra both go to the salt to breed which is why damming a river leads to the eventual extinction of them above the dam, and the need for stocking programs to provide fish. Salt water species like bream and mangrove jacks are found right up into the fresh and so can survive (but not breed) in fresh water. Snub nosed gar can both survive and breed in the fresh and so provide a good food source for larger fish. Butter bream can be converted to pure fresh water by gradually replacing the salt water with fresh (this is done for the aquarium trade). Whether you could take a pure salt water fish like a snapper and convert it to fresh I would doubt, if it does not spend some part of its life cycle in brackish water. I often catch small tailor in the cast net well up the creeks in fresh water when prawning. I wonder if they could stock an impoundment with tailor - the gar would provide a food source. That would make for some interesting impoundment fishing!
    Cheers Freeeedom

  3. #3

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    Haven't heard a word. Some salt species produced in hatcheries can adapt to fresh and therefore be released if stocking permits allow it. eg. Bream were stocked into Lake Awoonga about 8 yrs ago.
    Sea mullet also, and they are thriving, up to possibly 7 kg some of them.
    Johnny M

  4. #4

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    I did read in a mag somewhere a while ago that they were considering trevally in impoudments!!!!!
    Don't no if they got anywhere with it though!!
    Imagine a 60lb GT in a dam!!

    Regards, Tony

  5. #5

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    agnes jack,,,,,,,,,big eye trevally were a possibility,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and they grow to round 10 kg rough figures.
    Imagine a GT in a lake.- 100 kg?!?!?!?!?!?! WOW

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    There has been some stocking of mangrove jacks in freshwater. As others have said, mostly oit is pretty much only estuarine species that can be adapted sucessfully.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member d-man's Avatar
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    Feb 2005

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    Quote Originally Posted by jpart10
    hi angler
    i heard a rumour that the authorities are putting salt water fish in big tanks and slowley taking down the salt ratio every day so that they addapt to fresh water and when they are ready they will be stocking the dams with salt water fish

    does any body know about this or weather it is possible?
    Possible, but not probable. Imagine the time involved (which someone has to pay for, right?) to convert that amount of s/w to f/w. Regardless of how many fish were in a tank it would be cost prohibitive. Jacks, on the other hand can be reared in f/w as fry/fingerlings and, as has been previously stated, have been stocked in some impoundments.

  8. #8

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    I like the idear and it would be feasable as the esturies are over fished and very polution orientated, put the highly regarded spiecies in the dams and with the bush surroundings it would make the perfect fishing holiday, and best of all it would allow future generations to catch those target fish.

    go the gt, jacks fingermark,theadfin etc

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    Hi Tropicaltrout,

    The problem with stocking these fish into dam's is food souce and space. The size of the dam's in southeast Queensland wouldn't be able to handle the mass increase of people and boat's. Knot to mention the inpacked on our native spieces. I say leave it the way it is and if I want to catch a jack I go to the salt for that.


  10. #10

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    Im with u there jas i think it would reck the Dams having the extra fish and people. Also the fish introduced might have some effect on the natives and wipe them out


  11. #11

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    DPI released Mangrove Jacks into Tinaroo in 2004, and the first Jack to be caught and weighed in at the annual Barra Bash was last year, and in just over a year their were 143 odd Jacks weighed in, and the heaviest being a 4.9kg! Not bad at all. Apart from that it is quite possible for Saltwater fish to occur in Freshwater impoundments, over a long length of time and generations of the certain fish specie.

  12. #12

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    You a probably right Jas, but the dams seem to be getting crowded anyway mainly the Barra dams, and the future dams will be bigger aswell borumba by 25 meters in 2010, and other dams that get good rain fall are also going to go up. What would you say to a guinie pig lake, just say they built this super dam that there talking about, why not use it as a test water.
    but i do understand what you are saying and i do agree but its nice to dream.

    Cheers TT

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    I would love to see the DPI trial Barra's and/or Mangrove Jacks in Wivenhoe.


  14. #14

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    Gday, Barra and jacks in wivenhoe wont work as they wont survive the winter. These fish need warm water with little variation in tempreture due to seasonal influence.
    Its a nice thaught but it will never hapen.
    Id rather see PNG bass bought to the top end but I dont like my chances.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: salt water species in fresh water

    Species such as mangrove jack and barra naturally travell to fresh and cn usualy be trowen straight from salt to fresh. other species such as yellow fin bream, big eye travaley and sea mullet are spawned in the salt the when they get a bit of size to them are gradually converted. I have managed to convert a bream in 3 hours and went hard for twelve months until later released.

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